ibexrecurve | 45 points | Dec 08 2020 20:28:29

Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the FLCCC Alliance testifies before Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs looking into early outpatient COVID-19 treatment. Dr. Kory testified that Ivermectin is effectively a “miracle drug” against COVID-19 ...



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points | Dec 08 2020 22:57:46

Good article!

I posted about the hearing here:

To hear ALL of Dr. Tory's testimony, go to the Senate hearing and use the scrolling box to listen at these times:


The Senate Committee will send a letter to NIH asking for an evaluation of the evidence for ivermectin 🎆🎇🧨✨🎊🎄


[-] massimaux | 3 points | Dec 08 2020 20:54:24

Thank you for posting this!


[-] ibexrecurve | 9 points | Dec 08 2020 20:57:05

Check out his actual testimony! Well worth the watch!



[-] mekikichee | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 04:40:08

He's officially had it!!!


[-] passfailboat | 3 points | Dec 09 2020 13:21:15

Does anyone have a link for the entire hearing on YouTube? I want to rip it just to keep it out of the memory hole, but I'm having trouble getting CSPAN's stream to cooperate.


[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 13:42:57

I was having trouble, yesterday, with the C-span stream as well. Kept glitching and jumping to a different part.


[-] passfailboat | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 19:17:46


I found a YouTube video of the entire hearing.


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 00:20:39

It is pretty damn stupid to call ivermectin a "miracle drug" for covid.

It is most definitely a treatment. It is most definitely effective.

But It is not 100% effective and it is not a true cure.

If you want to poison yourself intellectually and politically, call it a "miracle cure" instead of being more scientifically reserved. See how far that gets you after the first 15 minutes of attention.


[-] ibexrecurve | 4 points | Dec 09 2020 00:50:04

It is pretty damn stupid to call ivermectin a "miracle drug" for covid.

A bit hyperbolic, maybe, but how else are you supposed to communicate the amazing effectiveness of it for prevention and treatment within 9 minutes, and leave an impression.

But It is not 100% effective and it is not a true cure.

You could say the same for any of the vaccines.

See how far that gets you after the first 15 minutes of attention.

The Senate Committee will send a letter to NIH asking for an evaluation of the evidence for ivermectin. I guess that's how far it will get you.


[-] thaw4188 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 01:04:39

Only quacks and people looking for attention or profit use the term "miracle".

The press knows this, some of the public knows this. You can only poison yourself like the HCQ nonsense if you start throwing around the word "miracle".

Ivermectin is not a targeted treatment for Covid. It is not a "miracle". But it is proven science with proven anti-viral and anti-IL6 action.

I think the latest studies say it knocks down the average treatment time for covid from 17 days to 10. That's not a miracle, that's very effective though. And it would be stupid not to use it at $30 per treatment with extremely high safety.

"miracle" is for morons. You know who uses the word "miracle"? The president. That should be a showstopper before considering using the word. Let's not be morons.


[-] ibexrecurve | 4 points | Dec 09 2020 01:50:20

There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact, and when I say 'miracle' I do not use that term lightly, and I don't want to be sensationalized when I say that. That is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last 3 months. ... Mountains of data have emerged from many centers and countries around the world showing the miraculous effectiveness of Ivermectin. It basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it, you will not get sick.

This was his actual quote, as far as I could find.


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 02:16:16

Well okay that was not bright to say. There are people who take ivermectin who get sick. There are countries with mixed results because they either use too small or too short of a dose. It most definitely does not "obliterate transmission".

So he isn't helping, he is hyping. And anyone serious who investigates his claim will see that so I am not sure what he is trying to accomplish.

Given the audience and their (lack of) motivation and attention span, he may have been adjusting for that, I dunno. He probably figured he has to act like the president and "happy talk" the hell out of it. Unfortunately that approach seems to work for too much of the population.

No-one is getting rich off ivermectin so I'm not going to accuse him of trying to profiteer. But it's more than a bit strange to me.


[-] meldoy_the_rage | 1 points | Dec 15 2020 22:59:49

I'm really baffled and unclear as to why are you so hostile over this. He has direct experience with treatment.


[-] Searching_4_Sunshine | 3 points | Dec 09 2020 21:38:46

I think it's usually a good idea to stay away from that word but he definitely backed it up with data. Not that it was 100% effective but that it was capable of saving hundreds of thousands of lives during a pandemic. So, I will overlook the word. I was very impressed. Im not a trump supporter and I'm not one of these anti masksask, anti lockdown people. The other scientists, except for of Armond Balboni, seemed political but Pierre Kory seemed like he was genuinely and without ulterior motive, pleading for anyone to just look at the data. All he asked was that the NIH look at the data. He didn't look to put down anyone's side or policy. He defended Facebook's motives in blocking posts about his research saying he understands and believes they have to try to weed out misinformation. From what I saw - I would really like to see some kind of bipartisan push to get the NIH to review his findings immediately. I have no idea how to do that though. This guy seems torn right through his core that he knows how to help people and he just can't get through the red tape to do it. I think the democrats are making a mistake in ignoring him. It is exposing the uglier side of the left. With the state of the right-wing at the moment, the left can't afford to hand them over a win like this. That should not be the motivation obviously. The motivation should be to see if they can save lives. But the left really needs to take a look in the mirror on this one.


[-] Andre4a19 | 2 points | Dec 10 2020 19:44:24

Well let's consider who he was addressing, I think miracle was a perfect word choice.

He need a quick attention without detailed explanation. (because of time constraints.)

He could have said it is "magic" for all I care, if it works, it works.

He just put his whole career on the line by saying what he said. He doesn't actually think it's a miracle. He knows the science behind it. But there's no time to explain that to the layperson.

And with little to no risk in trying out this magic drug, I don't see why we wouldn't.

If it doesn't work, then at least we wouldn't have to worry about getting worms either for a while.. (not actually sure if it works that way in humans 🤔)

Q: 🧐"How does a TV work?" A: 🤠"Uhh..I don't know....magic?" Judges: 🤩🤯 "Correct!"


[-] Benmm1 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 11:41:42

It was 100% effective in the 800 medical workers trialed for prophylaxis vs 50% infection in the untreated group. That's pretty miraculous.


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 11:56:38

what 800 study? you mean the one in india where 600 out of 4600 still got sick?

with a 18 hour half life ivermectin cannot work as prophylaxis for anti-viral unless you took it daily

and that study isn't reproduced and not peer reviewed, it's not blind

there is an argument that healthcare workers don't get sick often because they are more certain to use PPE which confuses the issue

there are plenty of countries with ivermectin freely available, endorsed and encouraged with lots of people still getting sick

also you need to more closely examine the word "miracle"

go look at a car, there is a hell of a lot of science there, all kinds of technology being used in incredible ways, lots of people involved in design and manufacture, two hundred years ago would have been impossible, even the fuel use is fantastic - is a car a miracle? or is it really effective science

the two first vax are 95% effective and prevent deaths in all cases (though doesn't stop sickness in all cases) are they miracles? is producing them in just a year a "miracle"? or really effective science?

this is a moot argument, at $30 per treatment and super safety record ivermectin should be used anyway once people show symptoms - its already achieved more than remdesivir at $3000 a pop and barely available - but calling it a "miracle" is the best way to make sure it never gets adopted


[-] Benmm1 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 12:18:50

Of course the data needs further examination. Around 4.20. He mentions a trail from Argentina. None of the treated group got sick vs 58% of the control. We'd want to consider long term effects and cost but it seems perfectly practical for someone in a risk group to take a pill daily.


People use the word miracle all the time without meaning it literally... I've been hearing the word used a lot over the last few days in reference to the vaccine. The impression i get is that he is just attempting to emphasise its effectiveness because its being ignored. If the data holds up then I think the word is warranted in this case.


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 13:27:22

aspirin and penicillin are called "wonder" drugs

ivermectin could also be called a "wonder" though I am not crazy about that word either

"miracle", especially in the bonkers backwater religious country of the USA, has a very specific connotation that should never be used by scientists or doctors

miracle means without logic or reason or beyond logic or reason

people aren't getting up hours after ivermectin and walking out of the hospital perfectly healthy again

it's reducing deaths and infection times from 17 to 10 days on average

that's fantastic, that may qualify as a "wonder", that is not a "miracle" beyond logic and reason

"miracle" is for children and small minds, it's "hand waving"

there's nothing wrong standing before congress and repeating over and over "ivermectin greatly reduces deaths and how long you are sick from covid, only costs $30 for a treatment and is extremely safe with years and millions of doses proven"

I mean who wouldn't investigate it immediately after that if you can prove what you are saying - unless they own stock in the company making remdesivir

it's not a TV infomercial where they are desperately trying to grab your attention and have to say MIRACLE! Watch the wrinkles disappear! Watch your hair regrow! It's a miracle! Miracle!

You can only hype something for so long before people realize it's not what you claim or they think it means.

So far this year I've seen Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Melatonin and HCQ all be claimed as cures for covid. None of them are. They can help your immune system but none of them are cures and certainly none of them are miracles. Neither is ivermectin.


[-] Benmm1 | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 14:42:51

I agree in principle regarding the strict meaning and that the word might be considered inappropriate here but ultimately this is a moot point. Just Google 'miracle vaccine' and see what results you get... this is my point.

The impression i have is that he is exasperated by the way the drug is being ignored, given its potential, and is being hyperbolic to gain attention make his point.

The data has been exceptionally strong for months now, and we have a solid precedent with Remdesivir, so there is no good reason why this isn't already cleared and widely used. If there was any intention or desire from authorities to save lives and enable society to return to normal then ivermectin would've been closely examined months ago.

Its undeniable that there is huge reluctance from certain quarters to consider anything that doesn't fit a certain criteria. With vit d, c and zinc we see ignorance and playing dumb. With HCQ we've see blatant scientific fraud, incompetence and misinformation in the media. Like a vaccine, none of these things can be described as cures but could have made a significant wide scale impact, which completely obliterates the public discourse.

Of course the data needs additional scrutiny but Ivermectin seems to sit head and shoulders above the rest of our treatment options, and if the data holds then it could largely remove the need for a rushed, impractical vaccine and allow more time for proper trials to take place.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 06:38:43

It's pretty damn stupid call any of these doctors stupid. How many Covid-19 patients have you treated?


[-] thaw4188 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 11:20:37

one. me. I used ivermectin and it saved me.

it's not a "miracle" it's effective science.

when everything becomes sensationalized nonsense, all we have is noise

not everything is a "miracle" (actually nothing is but that's a different conversation)


[-] meldoy_the_rage | 1 points | Dec 15 2020 22:58:01

He discussed this NOT as a cure but a treatment to PREVENT transmission. He said they have something that is "proving to be of miraculous impact" is grossly different than miracle drug. That is not a cure it is a prevention.


[-] ibexrecurve | 1 points | Dec 08 2020 20:36:23

For more info, check out https://covid19criticalcare.com/


[-] DreadPyriteRoberts | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 01:02:19

Senator Johnson, who organized and led the Senate hearing, tweeted Dr. Tory's testimony.

The Senator has 177K followers, so lots of people will see it!


[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 04:51:42



[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 04:53:23



[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 04:54:23

Review the evidence. It’s impressive. https://youtu.be/tE7RqQR9f_w


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Dec 09 2020 05:43:35

Perhaps instead make a playlist of all the Whiteboard Doctor videos? This sub does a good job of capturing every study that comes out and links to the videos that discuss them.


[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 08:02:03



[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 04:55:45



[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 04:57:26

Ivermectin reduce mortality in Covid-19 patients https://youtu.be/Wc5iQrfa7_k


[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 05:00:53

Randomized double-blind controlled study for the effectiveness of ivermectin https://youtu.be/z7rwWY371ac


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points | Dec 09 2020 07:01:47

I had to stop reading the comments at Twitter. My God, those Lefties are so stupid!


[-] hobytes | 1 points | Dec 13 2020 00:02:06

Here's the link to the FLCCC's website where you can see Dr. Kory's testimony as well and print out PDF's of the math+ protocol.



[-] ibexrecurve | 1 points | Dec 13 2020 00:20:36

I think most people will want the I-MASK+ protocol for prevention and early outpatient treatment. That's when ivermectin will be most useful. MATH+ is for when you're hospitalized.

MATH+ (the protocol for hospitalized patients) is an acronym standing for intravenous Methyleprednisone, high dose intravenous Ascorbic acid, Thiamine, low molecular weight Heparin, and the + is for statin, zinc, vitamin d, famotidine, melatonin, and magnesium.
