Bo-K | 9 points
Great show about early treatment with IVMIn relation to lysine, there is a lot more info here.
I have utilized both Lysine and Ivermectin. By far, in my opinion, no other treatments are better on the market.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Thanks for the link. I'm interested in prophylaxis, though, and this paper doesn't imply benefit that way.
Approximately 80% of acute stage Covid-19 sufferers given lysine displayed a minimum 70% reduction in symptoms in the first 48 hours (not including long term symptomatic subjects).
One of the most important observations in relation to lysine was the incredibly short time to eliminate/reduce fever presumably due to extinguishing the associated cytokine storm. Cytokine storm appears to be extinguished in hours, based on the 5 inpatients who appeared to be in severe crisis when lysine was administered who showed very rapid reduction in symptoms and stabilization.
Yes it works prophylactically for example, I was treating covid with lysine, my wife, was using 1,000mg lysine and we never isolated and we were having sex often enough. Lysine is weight dependent for dose, so 140lb or below 1000mg is a minimum. If she was a vegetarian she would need more lysine. Key factor is this.
Unfortunately this group is on the small side, but they had daily contact and they were not wearing the proper PPE other than a mask and gloves.
All of them used 2gm per day. No pacemakers, autoimmune, or HIV.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Excellent, I'll definitely check it out, thanks very much?
What's the issue with coffee?
Here is another one. Microscopic observation. This woman is brilliant. Read the abstract
Coffee raises arginine levels, displaces lysine, feeds the virus, raises nitric oxide. If you google "nitric oxide role inflammatory" fantastic article how to understand the role that body produced NO has on inflammatory response.
If you want a terrifying statistic, 90% of my long haulers are coffee drinkers.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Thanks again for the link!
If you want a terrifying statistic, 90% of my long haulers are coffee drinkers.
I'm not sure that's indicative of much.
The majority of Americans drink coffee—around 83 percent—and it's long been a booming industry in this country.
I'm not that fond of coffee.
The National Coffee Association produced a study this year and found that 64% of Americans drink coffee. Furthermore, 79% of people drinking coffee within the past day brewed coffee at home, compared to 75% in 2017 and 84% in 2012.Feb 18, 2019 › coffee-statistic...
Coffee Statistics 2020 U.S. | How Many People Drink Coffee? | Deneen Pottery
Actually, the long haulers start seeing recovering after caffeine hangover. Many LH relapsed after feeling good by drinking coffee.
[-] speir_parts | 1 points
u/Bo-K Any thoughts on how much of the problem with the impact on long-haulers/positive folks is the caffeine specifically?
High relation.
Only the people with the absolute best inmune systems fight this off while drinking coffee. I met a few, an entire family actually.
2.5 months after I beat covid. One strong smallish cup relapsed me. 6 hours later pooling of blood in my left foot. I large numb spot that I can jiggle(this was a clot). Next days, other symptoms rolled in culminating me screwing up the diet so bad a fruit very high in fiber, almonds, and a little chocolate. 12pm both my kidneys hurt, my liver hurt, brain fog like I never believed. All reignited after that cup. Prior to that cup, I didn't think I was a long hauler.
The worst day, I ate two babybel cheese wheels (no I don't own stock and can be any cheese but large enough quantity) and within an hour I had 80% less symptoms. Took a 500mg lysine and another 15% went away.
Strangest thing was next day I experimented with bromelain and lysine in the morning. I felt like the guy in the movie limitless. Was crazy clarity like I haven't had in decades. Unfortunately I could not reproduce that sensation like that day.
Caffeine, hard exercise (runners), autoimmune, arginine rich diet and cbd/marijuana all have one thing in common, nitric oxide. Long haulers appear to have a NO disregulation and excess NO on top of too much NO doesn't seem to be helpful.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
2.5 months after I beat covid. One strong smallish cup relapsed me. 6 hours later pooling of blood in my left foot. I large numb spot that I can jiggle(this was a clot). Next days, other symptoms rolled in culminating me screwing up the diet so bad a fruit very high in fiber, almonds, and a little chocolate. 12pm both my kidneys hurt, my liver hurt, brain fog like I never believed. All reignited after that cup. Prior to that cup, I didn't think I was a long hauler.
So how many cups of coffee do you average these days? !Kidding!<
In the last 3 months, none. In August when that cup happened. I checked to see if I still had the IGG antibodies. Yes I did. Unfortunately it appears I may never be able to drink coffee again. There is still some mild disregulation in me, just waiting for the fuel for that fire to explode again.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Is it the caffeine?
Yes and the arginine. Caffeine stops the brains consumption of arginine, and it stops arginase (which is the breakdown of arginine) which raises the arginine levels in metabolic pathways and is like a supercharger for the virus replication.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
So no chocolate, tea, !No-Doz!<???
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Do you read /r/Nootropics? Seems like you would be interested.
Will check it out. Have been super busy last days.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
[-] speir_parts | 1 points
As a vegetarian who is well-acquainted with the arginine/lysine balancing game (HSV 2+) I was really hoping you'd say it was just the arginine, haha. Sigh. Guess I'm giving up caffeine til this is over, too.
Thanks for the thoughtful response!!!
Wow, you are one of the few vegetarians that are balance it. What do you eat to counteract? Papaya and apples?
Well if you read that paper, lysine slows/restricts intestinal arginine absorption, also it blocks tubular reabsorption in the kidneys. So it really drops arginine quantity.
Actually, if you quit coffee, you will see your HSV will be almost a non issue.
Hiv people should not use lysine.
[-] speir_parts | 1 points
Thanks! It's more or less a non-issue, as I haven't had an outbreak in seven years. But the first three years until I got the arginine under control was horrendous. It was awful to discover that many of my favorite foods as a vegetarian were arginine heavy. I was eating oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts for breakfast every day, plus coffee. Hilarious.
I quit drinking coffee for a while until I got it under control... eventually I learned the higher lysine foods that fit into my diet (I eat a lot more dairy now) and got better at mentally keeping tabs on the ratios.
One story I just remembered. Flight attendant and I were speaking about her mom and osteoporosis. I said to her that Lysine helps absorb calcium and her response was oh, I take lysine daily for cold sores. I whispered that it works for covid too. Just have to quit coffee, change the diet a little, and her jaw dropped.
She tells me, 20 years drinking coffee and lysine, never ever had an issue with both. A couple months ago (referring to the time frame of NYC peak) she drank a cup, became nauseous. Repeated the same for the next 2 days. She quit coffee and no issues arised. The daily lysine kept knocking the corona virus down, but the coffee was spooling it up. Unfortunately I didn't get the time frame she had that symptoms, safe to say 3 hours per day after the cup of coffee.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
[-] BillyBob_TX | 1 points
So, either there is a naming convention or there's not.
[-] passfailboat | 1 points
Early treatment not being pursued.
I think it all but confirms that some people pulling levers want this to be worse than it has to be.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 06 2020 13:14:57
TL;DW: Early treatment stops covid before it gets serious, keeping people out of hospitals. HCQ works (and ivermectin).
Ivermectin is mentioned in passing around 7:57 and 12:17 by Dr. McCullough, who used ivermectin to treat himself for covid because he had some on hand, then switched to HCQ.
Did Dr. Johnson say lysine decreases viral replication at 9:37?
Lysine has antiviral effects by blocking the activity of arginine, which promotes HSV replication. One review found that oral lysine is more effective at preventing an HSV outbreak than it is at reducing the severity and duration of an outbreak.
Dr. McCullough mentioned lysine in his final minute.
TIL for me. has a list of nutraceuticals.
Here is their PDF of how to treat yourself at home.
This video (which I didn't watch yet) is Dr. McCullough talking about how to treat yourself at home.