TrumpLyftAlles | 12 points
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + IotaCarrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel (PDF) (Argentina found 2020-12-05) Dr. Carvallo long-waited prophylaxis formal report!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I emailed the study link to Dr. Marik:
Infection Rates - Pooled Results The overall infection rate in health care workers recruited for this study was 20% with 237 testing positive for CoVid 19 during the 3 month study recruitment. Of those infected, all patients were from the comparator group of using PPE alone. This represented an overall infection rate of 58.2% ( 237 of 407) in the PPE group.
No patients of the 788 treated with IVERCAR tested positive for CoVid 19 during the study. NONE of 788 caught covid over a 10-week period!
We're following your work and the FLCCC avidly in
I hope yesterday's press conference attracts attention from the FDA, etc.
I'm trying to spread the word on twitter, but I only have about 600 followers.
Thanks for your work!
Who has the pdf and can post it somewhere?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Brilliant! Thank-you!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 06 2020 04:19:44
Always seeking to spread the excellent news about ivermectin, I posted this trial to twitter, with amazing results, by far my most popular, widely seen tweet ever. I think that means over 32K saw the tweet and over 2000 clicked it to read it or like/retweet. (Please correct me if I misunderstand twitter-speak.)
If anyone here is on other social media, Facebook or Instagram or whatever else is out there, please post about ivermectin!
We need more eyeballs!
[-] massimaux | 2 points | Dec 06 2020 13:33:33