Haitchpeasauce | 11 points | Nov 29 2020 12:15:49

Benefit of ivermectin: from scabies to COVID-19, an example of serendipity



[-] redditJ5 | 4 points | Nov 29 2020 21:20:22

After having 4 family members plus my self treated with ivermectin, it works. It works, and it works fast. Within 24 hours. I did not read the rules about this sub, and I know a lot of stuff is getting flagged on FB, I will be very happy to answer any questions anyone has.


[-] TheRealLettuceman | 2 points | Nov 29 2020 23:46:38

How was ivermectin given to you?


[-] redditJ5 | 3 points | Nov 29 2020 23:50:18

Orally. 150mcg/kg


[-] DreXOps | 1 points | Nov 30 2020 01:33:18

Wasn't established 200mcg/kg? Or why did you modify it? Did you use every two days?


[-] redditJ5 | 2 points | Nov 30 2020 02:02:38

That's the high end. Most of the papers except for one recently used 150mcg/kg. The one I just read was using 300mcg/kg, which I wouldn't recommend.


[-] redditJ5 | 2 points | Nov 30 2020 02:06:27

I started out with a single dose until I was able to find more use cases. And did a 2nd dose 3-4 days later. I would now recommend, day 1 150mcg/kg, day 2-4 75mcg/kg twice a day.

Some of the UK doctors are doing 150mcg/kg every 2 days.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Nov 30 2020 05:08:46

Can you share which country you are in?

How soon following symptoms onset did you commence treatment?

Can you please describe your symptoms and their resolution?

Any side effects?



[-] redditJ5 | 3 points | Nov 30 2020 13:23:32

The US.

My self day 5. I had mild symptoms, within 24 hours everything cleared up, except smell and taste.

My gf and her mom were around day 6-8 with flu like symptoms, they both said it felt as if all symptoms stopped getting any worst and by 48 hours they started clearing up.

My mom, the morning after she had a fever, only got loss of smell and taste no other symptoms developed.

My BIL day 4-5, this is his 2nd round with covid, and it was hitting him a lot worst, within 24 hours symptoms stopped getting worst, 48 hours his symptoms started to reduce.

No side effects, read the black box warnings though just so you are fully informed, kids under 2, women that are pregnant or breastfeeding can not take it, it will hurt the child.

In 3.7 billion doses, there have isn't been around 100 cases of issues, there have been some poisonings and over dosing cases caused by being crazy.

Everyone I know that has been treated with it says they feel it stopped it from getting worst within 24 hours.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Nov 30 2020 13:55:19

Thank you for sharing!

One question we are still figuring out is whether ivermectin treatment prevents post-acute COVID-19 (long hauler) syndrome. Would be great to hear how you and your family recover. Wishing you all a complete and swift recovery.


[-] redditJ5 | 2 points | Nov 30 2020 18:41:29

I've seen research it's being used on long hauler as well.

My opinion, it's a safe drug with very little side effects. With such a low risk of taking it, why not give it a try. There is no evidence it will hurt, lots that it helps. Even if it's a wash and doesn't help, evidence shows it doesn't hurt.

I do recommend taking it with an antibiotic, preferably doxycycline if the patient can tolerate it, if not azithromycin. I have seen a lot of secondary infections in the forms and my girlfriend even had pneumonia.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Nov 30 2020 23:02:14

Yeah I support a triple therapy where possible, there is no single medication to treat COVID-19. Doxy/azithro has potential antiviral action and also helps prevent secondary infection.


[-] redditJ5 | 2 points | Dec 01 2020 00:48:16

Doxy has an added benefit of helping with the cytokine storm and protection from opportunistic bacterial infections.

If I had to pick only one drug. It would be ivermectin, hands down.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 3 points | Nov 29 2020 12:16:49

Found this article on Twitter (Source Tweet)

Another case study of a nursing home using Ivermectin to treat scabies, this one in France. Resulted in 100% of the residents (median 90 years of age) surviving a COVID-19 outbreak.

Google translated from French:

Age, the main factor of severe/fatal COVID-19, explains why elderly and/or comorbid EHPAD residents are at risk. Ivermectin (IVM), an anti-parasite, has shown anti-SARS-CoV-2 antiviral activity in vitro (Australian study). Moxidectin (MOX) may also be interesting (long half-life). During an epidemic of scabies in EHPAD where residents received oral MVI, we report its impact on Covid-19 that occurred in parallel.

Sixty-nine residents (including resident-1) and 52 EHPAD-A staff received IVM: median age residents 90 years (84–94), 78.3% women, 98.6% at least one comorbidity at risk of severe COVID-19. 11 subjects had probable or certain COVID-19 (7/69 residents and 4/52 staff, frequency 10.1%). Of the residents, 90.9% (10/11) had minimal COVID-19, without oxygen or hospitalization, no deaths. Of the 177 EHPADs of 77, 45 were included as controls, i.e. 3,062 residents (median age 86.2 years, 77.3% women). Of these, 22.6% [95% CI 16.3-28.9] had COVID-19 vs. 1.4% EHPAD-A with an attributable mortality of 4.9% [95%CI 3.2-6.5] vs. 0% EHPAD-A. Major in vitro antiviral activity of IVM and MOX (EC50 IVM 0.14 ± 0.02 μM and MOX 0.48 μM ± 0.08 μM) with preserved cell viability was observed.


[-] Solid_jade | 1 points | Jan 31 2021 01:18:30

What is amazing is that french governement still do NOT ALLOW uses for further study !!
Rivotril was allowed within weeks (that's what they give to elder in senior residences considering they cannot be saved, while the first indication on notice is ' do not use in case of respiratory problem !!!) , the study you quoted is about events occuring between march and may 2020 ... !!!


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Jan 31 2021 02:38:21

I have been following the progress of Ivermectin for COVID-19 since April 2020 and it has met so much resistance, arrogance, censorship, moving of goal posts, to the point where nothing surprises me.

There are few doctors who accept that drugs aren't confined to targeting one class of infection, few doctors who understand immunology, few who have an open mind to simply try a safe drug with good signal of efficacy as if off-label use has suddenly become taboo. How much more data do we need?

I don't like conspiracy theory and the whole big pharma talk, they do offer good things to the world. But it's astonishing how easily more exotic drugs are being accepted with less data, and people simply can't get past the thought that Ivermectin is "just an antiparasitic". Without government or a big company with connections to a trusted journal to push the agenda, progress is agonisingly slow.

When did the medical system become so spineless to try to cure people and treat early. Over on r/COVID19 the level of denial is now feverish and dogmatic.


[-] Solid_jade | 1 points | Feb 25 2021 02:20:50

" I don't like conspiracy theory and the whole big pharma talk "they do but way less than one can think.. they do whatever IF it makes money, but they sold quite a few rubbish treatments BECAUSE it WAS/IS doing money as well. Do not mistake their goals, doing good things for the world IS a side effect from doing money, from time to time it happens...



[-] Solid_jade | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 18:05:15

It's a CON$PIRACY, that goats like it or not.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2ju5v4TAaQ

To this day WHO or french ANSM still not approve it, nor investigate it.
Just VACCINE as worst 'complotists' predicted over a year ago.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Nov 29 2020 16:53:47

Prophylaxis! Tagging this so it can be found someday when someone undertakes to write up ivermectin's efficacy at protecting people from catching the virus.
