mastcell | 6 points | Nov 26 2020 02:36:38

How Ivermectin Helps Against SARS-COV-2?


[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points | Nov 26 2020 12:52:37

And we wait and we wait for any western nation to wake up and announce widespread trials


[-] Positive11111 | 1 points | Nov 26 2020 08:11:35

Thank you


[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 1 points | Nov 26 2020 18:44:38

Important to realize that IVM is only a core component of the FLCCC strategies. If you're late on starting IVM and/or other TMPRSS2 and endosomal inhibitors, do something silly like take steroids too early or add HCQ at the wrong time things could go south. Also important to understand that good (N95 or better) masks lower inoculation which in turn lowers replication and lowers debris. Probably smart to discuss with your MD your strategy ahead of time so that they can help get you the right meds at the right stage without any delay to treat any secondary issues should they occur. You want to avoid going to an ER if at all possible. 5 of 8 in ER I went to had covid. Diverse and high viral loads are likely.
