arabbel | 16 points | Nov 19 2020 22:43:15

What are the strongest studies for Ivermectin so far?

I keep up to date here pretty well, but I kind of am getting overwhelmed. For ivermectin, what are the best studies we've seen so far, with posted results?


[-] RodRWA | 4 points | Nov 20 2020 03:50:41

  1. A video lecture dated 28 October 2020, is by Dr. Paul Marik, a professor of medicine and Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. The link to this video is:

1.1.   Rx for COVID-19 by Phase of Illness

2.   This is the best promotion of IVERMECTIN that I have seen to date. It contains a considerable amount of technical terms associated with physiology etc, which I found interesting & slightly baffling, but which other viewers might find annoying. If so, at least watch the last 5 minutes to hear the main message of the amazing attributes of IVERMECTIN!

3.   The final conclusion is that IVERMECTIN is the ONLY medication out of seven others (Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, Interferon etc), that functions positively & efficaciously to cure any patient in any of the 3 phases (Incubation, Symptomatic & Pulmonary) of COVID-19's attack on the human body. It is indeed a panacea cure for COVID-19.


[-] Fun_Journalist_727 | 3 points | Nov 23 2020 20:47:41

This video is of an Argentinian doctor named Hector Carvallo who mentions two studies one of which involved 1200 doctors and nurses in Buenos Aires. Eight hundred of them took Ivermectin as prophylaxis and four hundred DID NOT. Of those 400 who did NOT take Ivermectin 240 got Covid during a seven month period. Of the 800 who DID take Ivermectin guess how many got sick? NONE. That’s right....NONE. In another smaller study that lasted two months a smaller group in Argentina had the same results: of those who took Ivermectin NONE caught Covid and of those who did NOT take Ivermectin eleven got sick.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Nov 23 2020 23:25:49

We have to note that the treatment arm also took carrageenan nasal spray. The results still indicate efficacy, and carrageenan potentially enhances the outcome. This isn't a problem for anyone wishing to use only Ivermectin, as I believe that is the most important component here. It simply highlights that there is no single drug that solves the whole problem, we have to fight the virus and disease from multiple angles.


[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 2 points | Nov 24 2020 11:52:19

I see the nasal spray as a confounder. I'd be ok taking the 0.2 mg 5x daily w/o the carrageenan


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Dec 01 2020 03:24:54

In a news story and in TrialSite News, Dr. Carvallo said that he knows of another doctor who did without the carrageenan and saw similar results.

My big objection is that the study isn't published. It's like the Argentina "Ivermectin shown to dramatically reduce the viral load" study that we heard about for 6-8 weeks, which turned out to be a semi-failure when it was finally published.


[-] PreparedForZombies | 1 points | Dec 12 2020 14:03:03

Do you have a link specifically to that 1200 doctor study? I can't find the actual study.


[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 2 points | Nov 24 2020 11:59:39

Very good overview of IVM.


[-] bikes4paul | 1 points | Nov 21 2020 20:09:21

It's hard to judge the "best" since they vary significantly in design and results. IMHO, I'd say the most compelling evidence to date are the following two:

The ICON Study out of Broward Co FL was extremely compelling because it's the only study to date that has been published in a peer reviewed international journal. This confers a high degree of respect from the established medical community. The study design is not as strong (i.e. observational vs interventional) as some of the other trials but it probably has the most impact in the USA from physicians.

From a quality of evidence perspective I'd choose the recent preprint of the RCT from the Benha University in Egypt. It showed very strong efficacy and was very well designed.


[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 1 points | Nov 24 2020 11:54:51

A lot of good info here -

Also the data analysis by JJChamie!/
