stereomatch | 7 points | Nov 17 2020 21:35:09

Explaining Dr Paul Marik credentials (author of MATH+ protocol) in sepsis as an intro to credentials of their team for MATH+ protocol treatment for covid19

To anyone having to explain Dr Paul Marik's credentials (author of MATH+ protocol), here are some videos to send (this can be useful when prefacing the antecedents of the MATH+ protocol as context) - the point of such an introduction is to emphasize that the MATH+ protocol is coming out of an institution which is well acquainted with severe infection and has pioneered treatments before which have upended the efforts of big pharma by providing cheap treatments with existing generic drugs:

Here is Dr Paul Marik explaining his re-discovery of high dose intraveous Vitamin C, steroids and thiamine as a cocktail for curing sepsis (out of control response to infection) - from 3 years ago. This is the work which is responsible for the minor celebrity status of Dr Paul Marik among ICU personnel:

In this video he explains how he wound up using this cocktail which worked, how it has potential to turn around bad outcomes for 1000 patients who die per day from sepsis in the US alone. He also mentions how these have roots in the 1940s successful use of intravenous vitamin C against polio. Also mentions where Dr Linus Pauling (2 Nobel Prize winner and much criticized advocate of vitamin C as a cure-all) got it wrong - that the effective way to use vitamin C is intravenous - as via pill form it is not very well absorbed via gut and most winds up excreted in the stool.

In this next video we see nurses at Dr Paul Marik's hospital describe the effects the drug cocktail had on patients who were expected to die, but universally made sharp turnarounds. Video is from 3 years ago:

In this next video at the 0:50 minute mark, it says 250,000 die per year from sepsis in the U.S. and 8M estimated worldwide. Video is from 3 years ago.

At the 1:10 minute mark Dr John Catravas who did an in vitro confirmation points out that in his confirmatory tests of Dr Paul Marik's vitamin C + hydrocortisone + thiamine treatment for sepsis - in his in vitro tests, Vitamin C or hydrocortisone steroids alone did not work, but when used in combination they worked.

Here is Medcram (Dr Seheult - Professor at Loma Linda Hospital) describe intravenous vitamin C for sepsis - video is from 11 months ago:

Here is a Dr Been video from 5 months ago explaining the sepsis protocol of using Vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine (vitamin B1) for sepsis - he examines a number of studies on use of this protocol for septic shock and how it relates to covid19 and MATH+ protocol (which also ends in septic shock and where immune system overreaction is killing the patient). This video is from the time when FDA had just removed emergency use authorization for HCQ for covid19:


[-] JPINFV2 | 3 points | Nov 18 2020 01:17:47

Here is the VITAMINS trial that debunks the vit. C, thiamine, hydrocortisone combination when compared to hydrocortisone alone.
