Dihexa_Throwaway | 6 points
Theoretically, what would be the recommended dosage for covid prophylaxis?What would be the ivermectin recommended dosage for covid prevention? Thanks.
[-] stereomatch | 2 points
For a 90kg person the typical de-worming dose of 200micrograms/kg (0.2mg/kg) means: 0.2mg x 90kg = 18mg
Ivermectin pills usually are available as 6mg tablets. That means a de-worming dose for a 90kg person would be 18mg (achievable with 3 x 6mg tablets = 18mg).
For a 60kg person that would be a 12mg dose.
Most covid19 studies of ivermectin for covid19 patients have used this dose per day - given over 2 days or 3 days.
For prophylaxis the dose usually mentioned is this dose once per week. While ivermectin has an 18-hour half-life, the idea behind a weekly dose is that if you catch the virus mid-week you are always within 3-4 days of a peak of ivermectin in plasma.
Ivermectin taken with a fatty meal increases bioavailability by 2.5x (this is mentioned also on it's instruction/specification sheet) - so you should take it with a fatty meal or whatever meal you are eating.
Typically there are no side-effects. Most people report no effects. A few people report mild softness of stool next day to mild diarrhea - however, this may be because they had worms (which were ejected by the ivermectin - it is after all a deworming drug).
Usually ivermectin is not given to patients with meningitis and pregnant and lactating (breast feeding) mothers - to avoid exposing babies. And it is not given to small kids. However, in practice it has wound up being given to even these groups (because ivermectin is widely used for deworming and in africa for river blindness, a parasitic disease) - without too many reported issues. Which is why some question this limitation of it's use. The reason for this caution is to avoid ivermectin crossing the blood brain barrier (since it is a neurotoxic drug) - and since this blood-brain barrier can be weak in patients with meningitis, and underdeveloped in babies. Blood-brain barrier can also be weakened supposedly in severe covid19 patients - however overall ivermectin has demonstrated benefit for severe patients as well - which is why it was added to the MATH+ protocol (Oct 29, 2020) as highly recommended not just for prophylaxis, and mild, but also severe patients.
I-MASK+ protocol announced
Dr Paul Marik and his MATH+ protocol team issue new guidelines for pre-hospital treatment (at home early treatment - and prophylaxis ie prevention of severe disease):
So while MATH+ protocol is for hospitals, this new I-MASK+ protocol is for at-home care and early treatment - to prevent progression of patients to severe disease (thus avoiding hospitalisation).
The I in I-MASK+ stands for Ivermectin - which has emerged as the most potent front-line drug for general public use for prevention and early treatment at home.
For comparison, this is the MATH+ protocol PDF - instructions for hospital treatment mainly:
[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 1 points
I'm taking a saturation dose of 3mg day 1 and day 3 followed by 1mg on day 5 and daily from then on. I will boil and sterilize water, let it cool, and add appx 1/10th of 1 gram of horse paste (slightly less) to the water and take 5 equally sized sips throughout the day. I'm a bit larger than the avg bear (think NFL lineman) so for me to go over on this very small amount is not an issue.
Peak plasma and tissue half life of IVM, in general; peaks in the first 4-6 hours, has a plasma half life of \~ 18 hrs. and a tissue half life of 3-4 days.
IVM loves adipose.
Ivermectin was detected in tissues obtained from patients. Fat showed the highest and most persistent levels - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8839664/
Body mass index (BMI) and weight were associated with t1/2 and V/F, probably reflecting the high liposolubility of IVM with longer retention times proportional to the presence of more adipose tissue.
Anyone want to speculate that obesity driven cyctokines may cancel out for those taking IVM as a result of the above? Maybe....
[-] wallahmaybee | 2 points | Nov 08 2020 02:34:23
If you search prophylaxis on this sub, there are many threads which give details of the protocols that have been used so far by doctors in various countries and the results obtained. Many have tables with dosages.
Here's an example:
To be clear, I am not advising you to self-medicate. I am not a doctor.
[-] Dihexa_Throwaway | 1 points | Nov 08 2020 03:00:04