massimaux | 2 points | Nov 02 2020 14:26:43

Tetracycline and viruses: a possible treatment for COVID-19? (Venezuela 2020-11-02) Related to doxycycline (ivermectin's companion) and its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and zinc-chelating properties


[-] massimaux | 2 points | Nov 02 2020 14:32:21

Tetracyclines (e.g., tetracycline, halogenated tetracyclines, doxycycline, and minocycline) are highly lipophilic antibiotics that are known to chelate zinc compounds on matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Several functions of coronavirus are associated with the host MMPs complex, including replication [72, 73]. Therefore, the zinc-chelating properties of tetracyclines may also aid in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infections in humans, limiting their ability to replicate within the host.

From wikipedia:

Chelation /ˈkiːˌleɪˈʃən/ is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions.

I suppose this should have to do with the alleged doxycycline-enabled entering of zinc in the cell so that zinc inhibits the viral replication. Is that right?


Experimental studies have shown that the antiviral effects of tetracyclines are based on their anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory activities and on direct effect on viral biology, leading to inhibition of viral entry and viral replication. These studies highlight an important and fruitful approach in antiviral drug research. The early use of tetracyclines in COVID-19 could have a beneficial effect, preventing the viral infection from progressing to more serious stages that can lead to death in individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 3 points | Nov 02 2020 14:57:22

Interesting read, I am learning more every day, thanks for sharing. The theory put forward here is that tetracyclines have three main mechanisms of interest on top of being an antibiotic:

Anti-apoptotic: High amount of tissue damage would increase macrophage activity and inflammatory cytokines. The article says tetracyclines eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are damaging to cells, inhibit capsases which mediate cell death, and stabilise mitochondria.

Anti-inflammatory: preventing NF-κB transcription factor reaching the nucleus will reduce inflammatory cytokine signalling. In a cytokine storm situation this may be helpful.

Zinc chelating: The idea is zinc in the cell cytoplasm disrupts the SARS-CoV-2 RdDP which performs the genetic replication.


[-] massimaux | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 15:04:05

Thank you for the explanation. Obviously, doxycycline has anti-inflammatory properties, but Dr. Marik's lecture suggested not to give anti-inflammatory drugs in the symptomatic (viral replication) phase. So, this is now confusing to me. :(


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Nov 02 2020 15:14:11

He suggests not to give corticosteroids early which are a handbrake on the whole immune system and can cause side effects.

Inflammation is a broad range of processes designed to fight infection and promote healing. SARS-CoV-2 can trigger excessive inflammation which is what we want to calm down and prevent permanent injury. Once we understand the inflammatory signatures that lead to severe cases and/or chronic symptoms, we can correctly modulate the immune response. Doxy given at an early stage probably won't cause harm.


[-] massimaux | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 15:30:27

Excellent, thank you!


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 23:04:30

Have a look at Dr Been's video series on inflammation, they are quite good.


[-] wikipedia_text_bot | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 14:32:35


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