TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Nov 01 2020 23:40:39

#Early Treatment - A different look to face Covid-19 (Latin America) The web site of the IVERMECTIN MD TEAM (Facebook) Spanish language


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Nov 01 2020 23:43:54

This is the IVERMECTIN MD TEAM on Facebook. You're supposed to be an MD but they let me in (then bounced me, then let me in again). This is the group from which I gathered a bunch of comments on prophylaxis.

I'm not sure there's much new on the posted site, but I think it's cool that it's out there!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 06:54:20

Hi TLA: I think it's a worthwhile site, so in case anyone else is interested, I used the online Google Translator, then copied the English translation & some of the Spanish links in case others are interested. Here it is:



Covid-19 Early Treatment

It's a strategy that prevents you and your family from getting worse by covid-19 and requiring hospitalization.

We promote the protocolization of Ivermectin as Early Treatment by the Health Authority. We DO NOT promote self-medication. 

Learn more:

Covid-19 Early Treatment

You don't have to do things halfway, but you have to make the diagnosis and treatment early"

Dr. Eduardo Gotuzzo Medical Epidemiologist Peru

More testimonials

"All physicians must implement the Early Treatment protocol in health centers as soon as possible."

Dr. Carine Petry Physician Otolaryngologist Brasilia, Brazil.

Covid-19 Early Treatment in 2 Steps

  1. Provide Ivermectin in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 after the first symptoms have developed.

Learn more

  1. Apply the same early covid-19 treatment to all nearby contacts.

Why Ivermectin?

Effective in stopping SARS-CoV-2.

▪︎30 years of human medication. ▪︎Few side effects. ▪︎Cheap. ▪︎It's patent-free. ▪︎Tested in bulk application.

Learn more

Is Ivermectin effective?

Current evidence

What do the experts say?

Testimonials from doctors

Who's using Ivermectin?

Peru, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic and Brazil have pioneered the application of Ivermectin as a compassionate treatment to stop covid-19.

Learn more about existing statistical evidence.

Who are we?

We are citizen, independent, apolitical and non-profitinitiative, made up of DOCTORS and researchers who seek to publicize the "Covid-19 Early Treatment Strategy" with Ivermectina in the world to facilitate its implementation in the short term. We don't promote self-medication.

This initiative is backed by more than 1,700 DOCTORS and researchers from around the world, grouped on IVERMECTIN MD TEAM

We can wait months for more evidence, or we can act now and save thousands.

It's up to you

Help us help

1. Learn about Covid-19 Early Treatment

Early Treatment Strategy


Studies and Evidence M 2. Spread the word with your friends and on social networks.


Temprano on Twitter

TreatmentTemprano on Facebook

TratamientoTemprano #EarlyTreatment #TratamentoPrecoce

  1. Ask your Government to incorporate this strategy into its health protocol.

• Sign the petition in Chile 

• Sign the petition in Colombia 

• About

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ    COMMENT 1/2


[-] RodRWA | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 06:55:29


Early Treatment Strategy

  1. Introduction

The main objective of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Strategy is to prevent the population from getting worse and require hospitalization. That is, treat the covid-19 at its early stage. We DO NOT promote self-medication. Below we will present the background that justifies this strategy and how it originated.

1.1 Current strategies

Since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in December 2019, countries have implemented a number of measures to contain the progress of the virus and prevent deaths. The most common strategies are as follows:

• Quarantine and social est estinement. • Promoting hygiene measures • Massive population testing. • Tracking and tracking of the infected. • Isolation of the sick. • Increased hospital capacity.

Unfortunately, this crisis is far from over and thousands continue to die around the world. This is without considering the disastrous consequences that this pandemic is leaving in people's quality of life and in the level of indebtedness of countries and businesses.

1.2 New strategies

The scientific world is in a race against time working to incorporate new strategies to change the fate of humanity. Some of these lines of research are:

StrategyProAgainstVaccine– Create immunity to SARS-CoV-2.

– The price will be low.– It will take time to arrive and may not reach everyone.Monoclonal antibody– Stop viral replication for those already infected.– There is no installed capacity to produce treatments for everyone in the medium term.

-It will have a high cost. Pharmacological treatment– Stop or slow down viral replication, or improve the survival of infected people.– There are not enough clinical studies to determine its effectiveness. It takes months or years.

– Possible side effects.Table 1: Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Treatment Strategies

1.3 SARS-CoV-2 antiviral treatments

In the line of pharmacological treatments to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (antiviral), and with this prevent patients from getting worse, there are two types of medicines:

• Patented drugs: Remdesivir (Gilead), Tocilizumab (Roche) • Generic drugs: Favipiravir, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

To this day (May 30) none of those mentioned have conclusive clinical studies of their effectiveness to be considered official covid-19 treatment. However, Ivermectin in recent months has been presented as the best candidate to treat patients in the early stages of the disease in bulk as:

• It has proven to be VERY effective at stopping virus replication,with hundreds of testimonials from doctors around the world. • It is an ancient drug (more than 30 years) so its benefits and safety are well known. • It has very few side effects, even in high doses. • It has no patent, that is, there is no monopoly on its production. • It's very economical.

  1. Prevent patients from getting worse

The main objective of the Covid-19 Early Treatment strategy is to prevent the infected and their close contacts from getting worse when they become ill with the coronavirus. Thanks to the antiviral capabilities of Ivermectin,its low price and its low adverse effects, it is postulated as the most important weapon of this strategy.

2.1 Phases of covid-19

The experience of recent months in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru, tells us that the effect of Ivermectin as antiviral is better as soon as it is supplied, as far as possible in the early stage of the disease (Phase I), where viral replication is in development.

2.2 The strategy in 2 steps

In practice any government that, in its health protocol, includes the following two steps, will have incorporated the Covid-19 Early Treatment strategy:

• Treatment with Ivermectin to patients covid-19 to the first symptoms. • Apply the same treatment to nearby contacts.

  1. Possible Benefits of Early Treatment

There are countless benefits that can be inferred from increased survival of covid-19 patients by preventing covid-19 patients from aggravating:

3.1 Benefits for Infected Covid-19

• Increase your chances of survival. • Reduce disease time (symptoms). • Lower the likelihood of sequelae produced by the use of invasive mechanical fans.

3.2 Benefits for Citizens

• Partially or completely recover certain freedoms of mobility, due to the government's easing of confinement measures in the face of the reduction of covid-19 dead and infected.

• Reduction of the perception of fear in the face of covid-19, as there is effective treatment.

3.3 Benefits for government

• Revival of the economy as a result of increased mobility. • Reduction of spending on hospital capacity and bonds or solidarity contributions, among many others. • Reduction of public debt.

3.4 Benefits for Businesses

• The vast majority of industries have been impacted by the pandemic, especially tourism and gastronomy. The flexibility of restrictions will be salvation for many of them.

  1. Possible injured with Early Treatment

Despite the myriad benefits of this strategy, there are certain minority groups that will be harmed by their implementation:

4.1 Some researchers

• Several studies are underway with drugs funded by large pharmaceutical companies. Patients with covid-19 are required for these studies. If patients run out or they take Ivermectin early, these studies are difficult. • Controlled clinical studies or RCTs produce an ethical dilemma when a very effective drug exists and another drug whose effectiveness is unknown is used to treat the disease. It is also ethically questionable (within a clinical study) to give a patient a placebo when there is a drug with high effectiveness and that it could save him.

4.2 Some pharmaceutical companies

• The pharmaceutical industry has invested multimillion-dollar figures to develop treatments for SARS-CoV-2. A generic drug like Ivermectin poses for some multinationals a serious threat in their sales projections.

4.3 Some companies

• In this crisis, some industries have benefited such as hygiene, protective items, delivery, certain basic services, among others.

However, those harmed by this early treatment strategy represent a small part of the global economy, and we believe they will be able to adapt to the benefits of falling mortality rates, recovering mobility and part of our routines before this catastrophe.

It's time to act

If you came here, you know the benefits of this strategy, but in a globalized world it will only be possible to get out of this crisis if a good part of the countries incorporate it into their health protocols. It's time to act!

  1. Viralize #TratamientoTemprano with your friends and on social media

  2. Ask your government to incorporate this strategy into its health protocols.


[-] RodRWA | 1 points | Nov 02 2020 06:57:26

I also sent them the following email:




I'm an Australian living in Australia. I'm very impressed with your Spanish-Language site which I have been able to read using an online Google Translator. I especially appreciate your promotion of IVERMECTIN & attempts to have it incorporated into your government's health protocol using a petition. I like this idea, so will probably use it on the Australian Government.

Over the last few months, to promote IVERMECTIN along the Early Treatment Protocols that you advocate, I have sent NUMEROUS emails & Tweets to various Australian Government MPs & other authorities. Unfortunately, they are so arrogant, dogmatic & lacking in common courtesy that they have not responded once, not even a "Thanks for your submission."

If you're interested, you can read my emails & other documents via the URLs below. My Tweets are available under my Twitter account:


I wonder if you are aware of a very recent (28 October 2020) video lecture by Dr. Paul Marik, a professor of medicine and Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. The link is:

This is the best promotion of IVERMECTIN that I have seen to date. It contains a considerable amount of technical terms associated with physiology etc, but I'm sure that doctors of your calibre will understand & enjoy it. The final conclusion that IVERMECTIN is the ONLY medication out of six or so others (Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, Interferon etc), that functions positively to cure a patient in the 3 phases (Incubation, Symptomatic, Pulmonary) of COVID-19's attack on the human body. (See attached chart "IvmSuccess20201101.jpg" ) It is indeed a marvellous medication!

Best regards, & keep up the good work.



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