Haitchpeasauce | 8 points
COVID-19: Ivermectin Update - New video from Paul Marik, excellent presentation[-] Haitchpeasauce | 5 points
From the video description:
This is a critically important update that highlights the potential for Ivermectin together with Masks to control this pandemic.
As mentioned in this post this video deserves its own post.
Dr Paul Marik has done an excellent job reviewing much of the literature of laboratory and clinical studies for Ivermectin. He discusses its efficacy in severe cases, outpatients and prophylaxis, as well as speaking about case-fatality in Peru.
The video also surveys the efficacy of other well known treatments for COVID-19 at the different stages of the disease. Of all these, Ivermectin alone has demonstrated efficacy across the board, which he comments as "remarkable". Coming from a critical pulmonary care doctor who is well known for his corticosteroid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) protocols, this means a lot.
Interesting to note that:
[-] 99Efficient | 2 points
Great analysis and case for employing Ivermectin now. Dr. Marik might also reference this new 4 hospitals 280 patient study done in Broward County, FL Published:October 12, 2020
"Overall mortality was significantly lower in the ivermectin group than in the usual care group (15.0% vs 25.2% for ivermectin and usual care, respectively; P = .03). Mortality also was lower for ivermectin-treated patients in the subgroup of patients with severe pulmonary involvement (38.8% vs. 80.7% for ivermectin and usual care, respectively; P = .001)."
Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points
He most certainly did reference this paper. It was peer reviewed and newly published in Chest, but has been out as preprint since June and slowly gaining recognition.
A great win for the community, we have been responding to his videos and urging him to look into the literature and studies with regards to treating late stage COVID-19, and he responded by researching, updating his protocol and posting this video. I have great respect for him.
[-] 99Efficient | 3 points
I stand corrected ... I was merely adding this to support his case. Of course Dr Marik is a brilliant practitioner and educator who saves lives every day in critical care settings - his simple successful protocol for treating sepsis is revolutionary - but it too has bucked the medical establishments standard protocol.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points
Agreed, there appear to be camps emerging in the medical profession, not all are open to off label Tx. I have seen Dr Marik referred to as the vitamin C doctor.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points
Update: TrialSiteNews.com has posted about this video.
[-] massimaux | 8 points | Oct 28 2020 11:40:12
So, guys, in the next protocol update, ivermectin will not be optional anymore and it will be highly recommended for all stages.
It took less than a month for Dr. Marik to review and pronounce ivermectin the currently best drug for COVID-19