stereomatch | 14 points | Oct 24 2020 17:12:27

MATH+ protocol lists ivermectin as highly recommended for early covid19 (day1-8 viral replication stage) - (2020-10-22)

MATH+ protocol lists ivermectin as highly recommended for early covid19 (day1-8 viral replication stage) - (2020-10-22)

Oct 22, 2020 update of MATH+ protocol has ivermectin as "highly recommended":


Symptomatic patients at home (for the duration of acute symptoms)

Mildly Symptomatic patients (on floor/ward in hospital):

NOTE: saw this on the Ivermectin MD Team facebook page:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | Oct 24 2020 21:31:24

WOW, you have an incredible eye for detail! Thanks so much for spotting this.

The language was considerably augmented in this 2020-10-22 version. The 2020-09-28 version had just a one line, for both outpatients and mildly-ill inpatients (the same text for both):

This is the sole US institutional endorsement that I'm aware of.

I'm going to give myself a hypothetical pat on the back: a week I emailed Dr. Marik and sent him a link to the ~~RCT~~ study Ivermectin Treatment May Improve the Prognosis of Patients With COVID-19 which he cites in this version of his protocol, and did not cite in the previous (2020-09-28) version. He may have been aware of the RCT before my email. Maybe not?!

Outstanding find, Stereo! 👍👍👍

Edit: On the chart that shows the phases and drugs appropriate at each phase, the latest version still has "? Ivermectin". However, on the slide of the chart that Dr. Marik showed in today's youtube video about ivermectin, the text is "IVERMECTIN 12mg x2"! :)


[-] stereomatch | 4 points | Oct 24 2020 22:01:14

Thanks for confirming the specifics of the change.

I had just picked this from the Ivermectin MD Team facebook page link that I listed above.


[-] FoolsAndMoney | 2 points | Oct 25 2020 11:17:31

The following is from the Ivermectin MD facebook page:

Dear Members,

You are probably all aware that some medical information are considered heretic by certain influential factors in our field.

The Administratos considered that some backup plans for this Team are due. We have an idea for emergency situation. We created a special e-mail address.

What you should do is to send an EMAIL to the address below:

Into the SUBJECT field, please, write the word" backup!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please, use the ENGLISH WORD "backup" in the subject field! It is very important, since the program will not recognize other languages!!!

If anything happens to the group and you have sent this email, we, the admins, will be able to re-organize you - and everyone else who also sent the email - in a new group or move us to another platform!

The list created from your email addresses is strictly confidential, only the admins have access to it, have no worries!

Please BACKUP yourselves as soon as possible!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 24 2020 21:50:01

