TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Oct 24 2020 06:33:52

Change in COVID-19 treatment protocol: Ivermectin drug not to be used, ICMR issues advisory on Feluda paper strip test (India 2020-10-23)


[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 2 points | Oct 24 2020 07:30:51

Where are these RCT clinical trials that say it don't work in India? I thought the only RCT was Bangladesh with the rest being retrospective


[-] Z3rul | 2 points | Oct 24 2020 14:43:25

im wondering the same. this sounds stupid, there are many anti ivermectin movements around the world. Argentina is starting to see these too, many doctors and news going out with false and manipulated data to discredit ivm. all propaganda


[-] abcaz34 | 1 points | Oct 26 2020 14:49:24

Right, ivermectin is too cheap and too safe, pharma mafias will never let it happen..


[-] Z3rul | 1 points | Oct 26 2020 19:42:06

i don't know if you are being sarcastic , but really weird things are happening in peru argentina and many other latin american countries


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 24 2020 06:35:18

Bad news for ivermectin. :(

NEW DELHI: Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, being touted as a possible treatment for the coronavirus infection will not be included in the Health Ministry's Clinical Management Protocol for COVID-19, sources said on Thursday.

Some states including Uttar Pradesh are already using the drug-off label not only as a treatment option but also as a prophylaxis against COVID-19, a source said.

Already widely used against intestinational parasites and scabies, it is relatively a safe and cheap drug.

The experts of the ICMR's National Task Force for COVID-19 and the Joint Monitoring Group held its meeting on Thursday to deliberate on whether the drug should be included in the national treatment guidelines.

"Following deliberations, experts decided not to include Ivermectin in the national clinical management protocol for COVID-19 because of lack of sufficient evidence on its efficacy based on randomised trials held in India and abroad, " a source said.

The Health Ministry has allowed the use of remdesivir for restricted emergency use purposes in moderate cases under "investigational therapies" in the Clinical Management Protocol for COVID-19.

The ministry has also okayed off-label application of tocilizumab, a drug that modifies the immune system or its functioning, and convalescent plasma for treating COVID-19 patients in moderate stage of the illness as "investigational therapies".

It also recommended hydroxychloroquine in patients during the early course of the disease and not on critically ill patients.

The centre has also included an inexpensive, widely used steroid dexamethasone in treatment protocols for COVID-19 patients in the moderate to severe stages of their illness among other therapeutic measures.

The ministry advised use of dexamethasone, which is already used in a wide range of conditions for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant effects, as an alternative choice to methylprednisolone for managing moderate to severe cases of coronavirus infection.


[-] SwiftJustice88 | 2 points | Oct 24 2020 07:22:04

I do feel good knowing it’s listed as HIGHLY RECOMMENDED in the MATH protocol.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 24 2020 07:33:01

[-] Mission-Permission85 | 1 points | Oct 26 2020 18:59:29

Health is under the state government and not the center. Individual states (like Uttar Pradesh and Goa) have added Ivermectin to their recommendations. Individual hospitals and cotors in other states can also use it for COVID.
