ismellcapitalism | 14 points
Some doctors think they've found a cheap, generic drug which treats COVID-19. So why hasn’t anyone heard of it?[-] 1happydream | 3 points
"...anyone heard of it ? "
All over the World are raising Protocols with Ivermectin (+ Doxiciclin , Zinc, Ascorbic acid and Melatonin). MATH + (updated version) for example... PS Reddit group :
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Did you mean to post this to this sub? LOL
In any event, welcome to /r/ivermectin!
every time I see the "eye of newt" or HCQ comparisons I rage because any over-educated idiot that bothers to take 1 minute to research ivermectin will discover it is already a proven anti-viral for several other illnesses with many white-papers on the subject, it's not a radical concept it might also work for covid
every doctor needs to start here:
think about how many people in the USA that could have been helped by ivermectin if it wasn't for the "not invented here" mentality and the poisoning of minds with the president's HCQ nonsense
meanwhile at $3000 a pop remdesivier apparently barely works and requires in-hospital stay but yeah go ahead and use that
[-] SwiftJustice88 | 2 points
Exactly, the minimal risk is totally worth the reward. I’m early 30’s and healthy but will certainly take ivermectin if there is a chance it cuts down on my odds of ending in the hospital. Even though I probably wouldn’t die the hospital bill would be crushing financially. We need at home options, the more time that passes the clearer it becomes early treatment is the way to go but instead most are waiting until the hospital for treatment.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
if it wasn't for the "not invented here" mentality and the poisoning of minds with the president's HCQ nonsense
LOL: ivermectin was invented here (in the US) -- but I know what you mean.
I point the finger at the FDA's lack of interest in foreign drug studies. That national chauvinism is going to cost many thousand lives and many billion dollars.
ivermectin was invented in Japan
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
The bacteria that led to ivermectin was discovered in Japan. Merck scientists isolated the active ingredients and created the drug.
Re the joint Nobel Prize for Medicine shared by Ōmura and Campbell:
Satoshi Ōmura, a Japanese microbiologist and expert in isolating natural products, focused on a group of bacteria, Streptomyces, which lives in the soil and was known to produce a plethora of agents with antibacterial activities (including Streptomycin discovered by Selman Waksman, Nobel Prize 1952). Equipped with extraordinary skills in developing unique methods for large-scale culturing and characterization of these bacteria, Ōmura isolated new strains of Streptomyces from soil samples and successfully cultured them in the laboratory. From many thousand different cultures, he selected about 50 of the most promising, with the intent that they would be further analyzed for their activity against harmful microorganisms
William C. Campbell, an expert in parasite biology working in the USA, acquired Ōmura’s Streptomyces cultures and explored their efficacy. Campbell showed that a component from one of the cultures was remarkably efficient against parasites in domestic and farm animals. The bioactive agent was purified and named Avermectin, which was subsequently chemically modified to a more effective compound called Ivermectin. Ivermectin was later tested in humans with parasitic infections and effectively killed parasite larvae (microfilaria).
William Cecil Campbell (born 28 June 1930) is an Irish biologist and parasitologist based in the USA known for his work in discovering a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworms, for which he was jointly awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.[2] He helped to discover a class of drugs called ivermectins, whose derivatives have been shown to have "extraordinary efficacy" in treating River blindness and Lymphatic filariasis, among other parasitic diseases affecting animals and humans.[3] Campbell worked at the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research 1957–1990
Campbell is best known for his work on parasitic diseases. Japanese microbiologist Satoshi Ōmura isolated and cultured many varieties of natural soil-based bacteria from the group Streptomyces. Campbell led a team at Merck in studying Ōmura's cultures and examining their effectiveness in treating parasites in domestic and farm animals. From the sample Streptomyces avermitilis, naturally produced in soil, he derived macrocyclic lactone. After further modification, it was named ivermectin (generic) or Mectizan.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Duplicate post! It was posted to the sub a month ago.. Please search for the title before posting, to avoid duplicate posts.
OR, duplicate posts aren't the end of the world, and sometimes they're good for getting conversation restarted.
[-] ismellcapitalism | 1 points
[-] David_1226_ | 4 points | Oct 21 2020 03:12:54
the clinical data is solid for IVM treatment and prevention of COVID-19, with major reductions in severity of illness even at doses way below safe limits. I review seven such studies in my preprint, . But the Monash university in vitro studies with the importin mechanism are nonsense. these were performed at 1,000x clinical concentrations, and do not apply to RNA viruses. see my preprint for a solid scientific grounding on IVM biological mechanism.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 21 2020 03:21:03
David, please post your paper to the sub as a main post. It deserves prominence and won't get any buried here.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Oct 21 2020 08:59:56
Yes, please post to the sub, I would like to discuss the catch and clump behaviour further. We have been aware of the CD147 binding aspect for some time now, but it's not clear what is the exact pathology of severe disease. Is it cytokine storm, Bradykinin storm, macrophage activation, and how is SA binding involved with any of these? According to your paper Ivermectin is more involved with preventing vascular occlusion than the replication and interferon mechanisms. I have a lot of questions so please start a new post.
[-] saitchouette | 1 points | Oct 23 2020 04:17:16
I agree with TrumpLyftAlles and Haitchpeasauce.
It'd be great to discuss your research properly on another post.