massimaux | 19 points
Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 (ICON study) (USA 2020-10-12): GREAT NEWS! The famous Florida ICON study finally published in CHEST journal! (Leading research in pulmonary, critical care, sleep medicine, and more)
[-] stereomatch | 4 points
Study looked retrospectively at the records of patients who had been treated both with and without ivermectin.
173 treated with ivermectin (and standard of care)
107 without ivermectin (standard of care)
Standard of care at that time included use of hydroxychloroquine and/or azithromycin.
15.0% ivermectin
25.2% non-ivermectin
Mortality among patients with severe pulmonary involvement
38.8% ivermectin
80.7% non-ivermectin
Extubation rates (i.e. when no longer needing breathing tube)
36.1% ivermectin
15.4% non-ivermectin
Mortality difference after multivariate adjustment for confounders and mortality risks
13.3% ivermectin
24.5% non-ivermectin
Note: this research previously appeared as a pre-print on June 10, 2020: ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19 ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19 Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter, Michael Sherman, Naaz Fatteh, Fabio Vogel, Jamie Sacks, Jean-Jacques Rajter doi: June 10, 2020
and ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) Study: Use of Ivermectin Is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 21 Aug 2020
In the US there has been some reporting on Broward County, Florida hospital system.
Broward county hospital results on ivermectin: Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter and Dr. Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter Discuss Ivermectin In Broward County | Podcast S2 E 27
This is an earlier TrialSiteNews interview with Drs. Jean-Jaques and Juliana Rajter on Ivermectin and ICON study (Broward County hospitals study on Ivermectin effectiveness for covid19)
For 6:00 minute mark link where discussion starts on his first use of ivermectin and response of patient:
Here is the NBC interview they mention above:
Some of the recent results on ivermectin:
Check out the recent Egypt study as well (Zagazig Univ) which is even more compelling since it directly addresses home transmission (7.4pct family members got covid19-like symptoms vs 58pct in the non-intervention arm).
Bangladesh/Japan retrospective study - September 24, 2020: Ivermectin Treatment May Improve the Prognosis of Patients With COVID-19
Double-bind randomized trial results from Bangladesh: Clinical Trial of Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline for the Treatment of Confirmed Covid-19 Infection Dr. Reaz Mahmud, Dhaka Medical College
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
What an incredibly good post!
FINALLY! i hope this helps to get ivermectin the atention it needs.
this is the second retrospective study published by medicine journals with very positive results with a single dose.
Exactly, the first one was:!
Now we need just another one or two hundred journal papers and the mainstream media will start talking about Ivermectin.
i don't care about the media, health professionals need to be aware of this.
Sure, but the media shape the public perception. If the general public in a given country haven't heard about Ivermectin, if the health professionals are heavily influenced by the most reputable world publications that are negatively biased towards research manuscripts on cheap repurposed drugs, and if the political and health authorities are positively biased towards big pharmaceutical drug and vaccine research, does it really matter that the hard truth is that Ivermectin works and saves lives?
1 paper is all it need a health professional to present and convince a town council. You may need hundreds to convice the world, but not a single town and now it will have a tool to fight this. Not everyone is corrupted and biased in fact they are the minority (with a loud and a strong voice sadly).
The mainstream media can't even get people to wear or understand how to wear a mask. Ivermectin is a bit above 3rd grade comprehension level so talking about it on TV won't help the average American understand it. I'm with the "get health professionals on board with prescribing ivermectin off label" crowd.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
If you haven't already, please post this to /r/covid19. My summary of the study on twitter (hence the brevity):
40% lower fatality overall, 52% lower in the most severely ill patients, those needing 02.
20.7% more patients got off ventilators (a barely statistically insignificant result).
Somebody has posted it already.
Look at this lovely comment:
Guys: 200 patients in a retrospective analysis relying on propensity score matching is, and never will be, an RCT substitute.
I understand it's frustrating that all of the ivermectin studies are crap, but they are - there's no getting around that.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I'm so sick of the RCT snobs. You know what we have RCTs for, 8 months after the virus hit? Dexamethasone, which has a narrow window of utility and a small benefit, and remdesivir, same story.
I was listening to a couple NYC front-line docs talk about the nature of medical practice, how much of it is a matter of following guidelines -- only there weren't any for covid-19. One of them said (roughly) "RCTs are great, but 90% of what we did was a process of seeing what was happening with our patients and trying what seemed logical. Were we right? We won't know until the RCTs are done."
Yes, totally agree. Here is the arrogant non-empathetic RCT dogmatic mindset:
- There are 6-7 observational studies and all show effectiveness.
- No! Correlation does not imply causality. So, your observational retrospective studies are ordinary crap. Cannot substitute the gold standard RCT.
- Yes, but there are also at least 2 RCTs showing effectiveness.
- Nooo... Those studies are also crap because they are conducted in the third world.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
It's maddening, isn't it. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but sometimes it seems like some people are trying suspiciously hard to discount ivermectin.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 1 points
I know you guys are all looking into IVM, as am I, so wanted some input. I have a pharma background and conduct market research. From playing around with real life data for a charity I now understand the problem of confounders and how they can give false positives. It is prudent to be cynical about trials, but some of us are going to have to make decisions soon re what to take.... my area in the UK has a lot of cases and I have stocked up on various meds including IVM.
Here's my theory/question....
This trial suggests a better impact on severe covid that Dexamethasone. If this is true, then why?
Paul Marik states everyone clears the live virus by day 10 symptomatic (cant grow virus in culture). So what is killing us happens (generally) after this.
There is the catch and clump theory that red blood cells attach to the virus via the CD 147 site and IVM prevents this. Therefore reducing micro thrombi in capillaries/ particularly bad if in the lungs.
Here's by question/theory.... what if this process continues with the trillions of dead virus?
So I wonder if the main mechanism of IVM is simply to prevent the hyper-coagulation at all stages of illness, even when the virus is dead.
Does anyone know or has read about this in relation to thrombi formation with dead virus?
I appreciate this wont be the whole picture and clearly damping down the immune system is key also....
[-] akaariai | 6 points | Oct 13 2020 11:34:57
Study was about 280 patients, 173 treated with ivermectin and 107 without ivermectin.
The treatment was given to hospitalised patients, among other treatments, for example hydroxychloroquine and/or azithromycin.
Dosing was 200 micrograms of Ivermectin per kg once. After seven days another similar dose could be given at the discretion of the treating physicians.
Absolute reduction in mortality was 11.2% (13.3% vs 24.5%), so almost half.
It was a retrospective observational study, so despite adjustment for known confounders and propensity score matching, they cannot exclude the possibility of unmeasured confounding factors.
All in all, a relatively low dose relatively late and still good results. A very positive sign! Can't wait for results of higher dose given earlier in a properly random controlled trial.