TrumpLyftAlles | 7 points
Trump joins growing list of virus-infected world leaders (US 2020-10-02) NYTimes, brief IVM mention[-] 99Efficient | 1 points
What's the chance so many heads of states got COVID when most of the general public knows no one that actually got sick?
They are giving Trump Remdesiver - no way - trials show it is marginally effective at best? Why not give him drugs proven to work like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermection with Azithromycin and Zinc? They have played the Trump card - this Walter Reed sleepover must be theater - staged to stoke fear - keep alive the globalists vaccine agenda - timed perfectly given recent polls that 50% of Americans say they will not take it - Elon Musk etc.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Response 1: Few US MDs believe that the therapies you mention are effective, if they're even aware of them.
There are pockets of information that are familiar to those who have made an effort to inform themselves, which the vast majority of people and MDs are unaware of or only slightly informed about.
This sub is a such a pocket. Another ivermectin pocket a private Facebook group Ivermectin MD Team, that AFAIK is 99% unaware of this sub. Recently that group has been preparing for its recreation on another platform, anticipating that Facebook will deem ivermectin to be fringe stuff and remove the group.
I believe that very few US MDs are aware of ivermectin. The /r/medicine sub has 325,000 members; it's supposed to be MDs-only but I think they allow closely-allied health professionals into the sub (I was banned when I applied for flare and identified myself as a non-HP). A search of the sub finds only 5 articles in the covid era. Nearly all the content of those posts is negative. From my continual searching for articles, I'm aware of perhaps 7-9 US MDs who are using ivermectin.
HCQ was unfortunately tainted by politics, as I'm sure you're aware. I haven't been following the research, being solely ivermectin-focused, so I really don't know whether HCQ is effective, or at which stages in the disease it's effective. What I pick up, mostly from comments in /r/covid19, is that it has become "conventional wisdom" that HCQ doesn't work. So I would that the doctors treating the President share that opinion.
I don't know much about Remdesivir. The guys on This Week In Virology don't appear to have much regard for it. It is approved under a EUA for treatment of covid, so it's a nice safe choice for the Presidents' doctors.
What's bizarre, though, is their decision to treat the President with Regeneron; there's almost evidence supporting that drug. Cynics on twitter think that choice might have been made by the President because he's friends with the CEO (or something). I obviously don't know the story.
I know plenty who've caught Covid. Most of them factory or warehouse workers, not heads of state.
Because I've known so many, I fully expected Trump to be back at work by today. For most people by the time they receive their positive test, the symptoms are over. And for most, the symptoms are not serious at all and there are no meds at all given. A few aspirin to deal with the headache and body aches are all that's necessary for most.
There are an unfortunate few that have a tougher road. Still not sure why it impacts most as a nuisance (not even a serious cold), and others it puts into the grave yard.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
I fully expected Trump to be back at work by today.
I'm guessing that they weren't 74, never exercise, have a crap diet, and weigh ~275.
For most people by the time they receive their positive test, the symptoms are over. And for most, the symptoms are not serious at all and there are no meds at all given. A few aspirin to deal with the headache and body aches are all that's necessary for most.
That's really interesting! I'm in Massachusetts, the third hardest-hit state, and don't know anyone.
What is the typical delay, from deciding to get a test, to getting the test, then getting the test result? 10 days?
Still not sure why it impacts most as a nuisance (not even a serious cold), and others it puts into the grave yard
Comorbidities is one reason, of course: 74, never exercises, etc. There's some evidence (I think, I'm no expert) that the size of the initial viral load makes a difference. And genes, no doubt.
Testing, most get it day 1 or 2 after symptom onset. Results typically 2-3 days. So on average symptoms last 2-3 days for most i’ve known.
True, most are not 74 and fat. One guy on my team who caught it was mid 50’s, over 400 lbs and diabetic. He did have a rougher time. He got the second wave of the sicknesz. After the aches subsided and he thought it was over, the respiratory issues set in. He took a total of a week to get through it. This second wave occurs on a few folks, and this is where I assume the real issues arise. One of our shift supervisors spent a night in the hospital at tgat point (also very overweight, but not old). If I based on my own observations, weight has more to do with it than age. And Trump is lean compared to the two guys I know that had a rough time.
[-] converter-bot | 1 points
400 lbs is 181.6 kg
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Response 2:
You seem to be into a bunch of conspiracies. I know very little about such things and actively avoid learning about them. Ideally this sub deals with science-based facts.
What's the chance so many heads of states got COVID when most of the general public knows no one that actually got sick?
Have you done an analysis that shows the percentage of infection of heads of state is higher than the general world infection rate?
I wouldn't be surprised if such an analysis confirmed your suspicion: politicians pressing the flesh and doing campaign appearances, even just interacting with many people in their governments, might plausibly expose them to more virus.
Sorry for two not-satisfying answers.
[-] beamdriver | 1 points
As we've seen, celebrities, politicians and similar are more likely to get COVID because they interact with more people in a day than most other people do in a month
Republicans have generally shown a strong disdain for risk reduction measures such a wearing masks and social distancing
The President, as well many well-connected and high ranking members of his party, attended a super-spreader event at the White House on September 26th. Videos of that event show attendees kissing and hugging each other with no masks on.
I personally know several people who have had COVID, including my Mother-In-Law, a co-worker's husband and an old friend who passed away from the disease a couple months ago.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | Oct 03 2020 00:30:06
Posted mostly for the novelty of ivermectin appearing in the NYTimes.
Dang, it's just an AP story; the identical article is in the Washington Post. It will disappear from both sites shortly, I bet.
The Honduras president announced in June that he had tested positive, along with two other people who worked closely with him. Hernández said he had started what he called the “MAIZ treatment,” an experimental and unproven combination of microdacyn, azithromycin, ivermectin and zinc. He was briefly hospitalized and released. He has added his voice to growing pleas for equitable access to any COVID-19 vaccine, asking the recent U.N. gathering of world leaders, “Are people to be left to die?”
From a google search:
Microdacyn is a biologically active treatment for debridement, moistening and decreasing the microbial load of acute and chronic wounds that are difficult to heal, infected or otherwise.
I wonder if the team selecting the medications said "Gosh, if we can think of something that begins with "M", then we can use the acronym MAIZ. You know, like corn?!"