TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | Sep 28 2020 00:22:54

Laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient (West Bengal, India 2020-09-26) Treatment Protocol


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 28 2020 00:31:43

Ivermectin is an alternative to HCQ, for treating mildly-ill patients at home, and moderately-ill patients in the hospital. NOT used for severely-ill patients.

It's ivermectin + doxycycline, the Bangladesh formulation. For both categories of patients:

For moderately- and severely-ill hospital patients, remdesivir is on the protocol; it's an alternative to HCQ and IVM/DOXY for moderately-ill patients. I wonder what remdesivir costs in India. Gilead licensed India (and Egypt and Pakistan) to manufacture remdesivir and set the price of the product.
