stereomatch | 3 points | Sep 27 2020 06:52:55

Dr Been video covers the recent Zagazig (Egypt) prophylaxis study - 58 percent symptomatic (control arm) vs 7.4pct (ivermectin arm) - (2020-09-27)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 27 2020 09:01:12

This was a PITA to do. Is it worth it?

I wrote code to capitalize after the periods, question marks and exclamation points, turn "i'll" into "I'll", etc. It will be easier next time, if I ever attempt this again.

Just the ivermectin-related parts of the video.

These are the two pre-print studies so not final yet not peer reviewed yet but they have these have very interesting outcomes that I think you would like.

So starting with the first one the first study here is a trial on ivermectin, ivermectin's role as a prophylactic drug. So what they have done is, check out a couple of things. Number one the dose here used is a little bit larger than usual therapeutic dose and they have a rationale and I'll show you the rationale for using that.

So what I've done here is their protocol is to use 40 to 60 kilogram for the patients of or persons 40 to 60 kilogram 15 milligram; then 60 to 80 kilogram is 18; and greater than 80 kilogram is 24 milligram. I have put here that if this was therapeutic dose, what will be the dose and what I did was therapeutic dose for ivermectin is 150 to 200 microgram per kilogram body weight. So I used 200 milligram the upper range and greater than for greater than 80 I used 200 kilogram as the um as the weight so these are the comparisons not too bad but anyways the ivermectin dose is larger than therapeutic dose. The way they administered these was that they gave one dose on day one of starting the study and then on day third of starting the study now.

What was the study itself? The study was that they had two groups of people who were in closed contact of confirmed covert 19 patients so they were family members household members who were in close contact and look at this their rationale was that in the literature ivermectin has been found to be safe even at the dose of 600 microgram per kilogram body weight when given for three days. So based on that they actually used a larger dose.

Now back here they took two groups of people who were in close contact with the patients. One group was 203 people and the other group control group was 101 people. These 203 people received ivermectin according to the doors I showed above their inclusion criteria that who were included. And by the way this is an Egyptian study. This is from I believe let me show you the name this is Zagazig University in Egypt. So this is a study from Egypt.

So first inclusion criteria was that people have to be asymptomatic at the time of starting. They have to be in close contact with the patients and they have to be. So exclusion was who was excluded. Those people who may have already been treated for covert 19 or whose high resolution chest ct scans showed that they had covert 19.

So what they tried to do with this was that they tried to pick up those people who they thought will not be covert 19 positive and there still is a chance that they might be positive but that is what their attempt was with the study. The chance will be that: let's say if I am taking care of a patient who is covered 19 positive I am taking care of them I may have become exposed. I may not have developed symptoms yet I may remain asymptomatic or I may develop symptoms a few days later. Similarly for the chest test as well. I may not have signs in the chest x-ray today. It may take time or may it may never appear as well. So some gap there.

But here is their interesting result. Result was that people who were on ivermectin 15 out of 203 developed covet 19. So that was 7. 4 percent. So if somebody was taking ivermectin prophylaxis then if 100 people were taking the prophylaxis 7. 3 will still develop copper 19. On the other hand if people were exposed to covert 19 patient, they were not taking the prophylaxis then 59 that is 58. 4 percent almost 60 percent will become positive. So that is a very interesting outcome: seven percent versus sixty percent and that is the power of ivermectin.

From my management my own observation has been that whenever I give ivermectin whenever I administer ivermectin patient has lesser side effects if at all. Let's say heart rate change or blood pressure change compared to hydroxychloroquine and number two patient actually recovers very fast. So that is an interesting thing with ivermectin.

Here is one more pilot clinical trial. This is from Baghdad university and here university of Baghdad or Baghdad whichever way you want to pronounce it. This is their paper and I have their paper open here as well. So before I go to university of Baghdad let me just show you this is the paper by the Zagazig university of Egypt. So in their paper what they have done is the following. They say somewhere up here look at this sorry I am scrolling through this. So here is their objective the study to study the effect of oral ivermectin as a prophylactic option. Individuals they this is how they chose them. Inclusion criteria: aged more than 60 years asymptomatic household contacts exclusion people previously treated for covert 19 or asymptomatic contracts who have HRCT. Suggestive of this intervention this is their table that I just showed you. Rationale for their table was that in literature individuals can receive 600 micrograms per kilogram of ivermectin daily for three days without side effects.


And then this was their follow-up protocol and I think the only interesting thing that interested me more, there are many other things that are interesting here, was their table two that showed 15 contacts which I just showed you so that is one. Second, this is the university of Baghdad and in this university they did a small pilot study, very small: 16 people were on management and I believe 71 were not so tiny study. So here is what they did they had patients so let me show you here from my own visual they made two groups of patients who were covid 19 positive. 16 were given hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin plus ivermectin. 71 in the other group only received hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. All of them were in the range of in the category of mild to moderate. They were not asymptomatic and they were not severe. Still they were all hospitalized so they were in the hospital and again moderate will be the folks who develop hypoxia mild were who did not have hypoxia.

The way they gave them ivermectin or the regime the treatment the management was ivermectin 200 milligram per kilogram body weight so that is a normal therapeutic dose for ivermectin um then so BD for five days or twice daily for five days. I use this protocol as well: azithromycin 500 milligram first day and then 250 milligram for next five days. Once daily hydroxychloroquine 400 milligram twice the first day that means 800 milligram, and then 200 milligram twice. That means 400 milligram daily for next five days.

This is what they had given and what they found was the following and I'm going to ask you cool beans some of the interesting questions here. So the first thing is they found that the group that had hydroxychloroquine is azithromycin and ivermectin: 100 of the people recovered in that group so that is these 16 people. On the other hand the 71 who were on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin two of them died so point two percent recovered.

And this is where my basic concern is. So on one end their result is that if you add either ivermectin into hydroxy and azithromycin then it becomes even more effective. What I do not feel comfortable with this study is that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin together when given if it shows a result of three percent almost three percent deaths in mild to moderate that is a very large number for hydroxy and azithromycin. I have not observed that so was it that there is no zinc in there or was it that the study size is so small that this is a random chance that people died in this group? Because if you extrapolate this to say if people would get hydroxy and azithromycin and three percent would die then that is as good as placebo in placebo studies if somebody is not getting anything then they would even if they're getting some milder kind of medicines three percent of the people die. So here the that is the question I was going to ask you that: do you feel comfortable that this is the result with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin that three percent of the people died and then if adding ivermectin then none of them died.

[Too long for reddit, continued in the reply]


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 27 2020 09:02:04

I think the sample size is very small that is one and number two I believe p values are not present. There are p values that they have shown for other things but not for the recovery so there is a comment by France that Luffy is weighing in Luffy always weighs in. I think that he wants to have my throne of having the discussions here. Now one more thing I failed to mention here I forgot that was the Egyptian study has a p-value of 0. 001 which is really strong. What that says is that this result that you are seeing if it was going to happen by chance by random some random stroke of luck that this result would appear then the chance of this result to appear randomly will be one out of one thousand. So that is a pretty strong result that it is going to be difficult to find that one one thousandth chance.

The second thing is that they did find side effects in ivermectin study and I want to show make sure that we all understand this, because there are some folks who are my friends but they continue to say that ivermectine is safe enough to have no side effects, so I think that is not a correct position. And let me show you the side effects they saw here.

So if I go to the Egyptian universities, back to the previous study as regards to ivermectin side effects they were reported in 11 (5. 4) percent of the contacts. These were diarrhea nausea fatigue, sleepiness, abdominal pain, heartburn, tingling and numbness, and lastly burning sensation.

Right so um so so this is the so there are side effects. Ivermectin can cross blood-brain barrier as well and it can cause brain damage too. So we should not say that divermectin does not have side effects.

There's a comment from Arun that the people who died may have comorbidities. So the the thing is this they have them all here and most of the people who were involved were mostly healthy individuals. So here look at the participants.

Inclusion criteria were the following: men and women with age at least 18 years mild to moderate; diagnosed by positive PCR testing less than three days; patient acceptance and willingness hospital admission; and no participation in other trials; and able to provide informed consent and then here are the symptoms they had: fever, fatigue and anorexia, shortness of breath, myalgias.

Then exclusion criteria was that if they were severe case of covet 19 where their oxygen saturation was dropping, or they were in ICU, or where their their ALT and ADT the markers for severe cases were increased.

ALT and ADT?

Then they do have the data here that shows what kind of population because a small population that they did the data on. So look at this baseline characteristics of IVM versus non-IVM so IVM group. 16 folks male 11 females, five severity mild, nine so IVM mild nine moderate seven clinical features cuff fever myalgia sore throat underlying disease so look at the comorbidities as Arun had said so four people had comorbidities in IVM and that was diabetes mellitus hypertension and asthma. 29 people.

So again we are comparing 16 and 71 groups. 29 people had the comorbidities on the other group. I think that is this is the percentage 40 percent. This had 25 percent and that was diabetes mellitus, hypertension and asthma so there were comorbidities there.

So my own observation once again I have now managed patients who had hypertension, who had even uncontrolled diabetes, cancers, hypertension very commonly -- and they did not have an issue with hydroxy and but I usually add ivermectin as well nowadays.

Okay so um hopefully this is these two are interesting I'm going to continue. Next is so tell me this: what do you think about these two studies? They are small but they are interesting. Look we have studies, from uh not study, we have observations from Australia as well. Dr. Tom Borodi says that he uses ivermectin with azithromycin and doxycycline. I believe ivermectin he has three triple therapy which has ivermectin azithromycin and one more drug, and he has good results. Olam Alam in Bangladesh he has good results. I have good results and then of course we can see that there are good results here as well. But I'm not comfortable with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin results here.

Borody's untested triple therapy is ivermectin + doxycline + zinc. NO azithromycin.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Sep 27 2020 09:58:00

Looks like ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) are protein biomarkers markers for liver and heart health, because these proteins are released when cells in these organs die.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 27 2020 10:12:13

Thanks so much!

I love it when people know stuff. :)


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Sep 27 2020 10:34:37

Just a quick google got the answers :)


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Sep 27 2020 09:45:37

HRCT high resolution computed tomography, a chest scan looking for pulmonary involvement suggestive of COVID-19. If I recall, other studies showed asymptomatic patients can still have lung damage.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 27 2020 10:12:38

Thanks again! {heart emoji}


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 27 2020 08:59:56

