fieldsofcoral | 11 points | Sep 23 2020 22:55:09

A study demonstrates the antiviral response of ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 (Argentina 09/23/20) positive test results announcement from Argentina govt site


[-] fieldsofcoral | 3 points | Sep 23 2020 22:56:09

Text in English

Recruitment was completed and the results of the project "Evaluation of the antiviral effect of the drug ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2" are known, carried out by a public-private consortium led by Dr. Alejandro Krolewiecki from the Institute of Tropical Diseases Research from the Oran Regional Headquarters of the National University of Salta (UNSa), which received funding from the R + D + i Agency within the framework of the Call for Ideas-COVID-19 Project of the "Coronavirus Unit" for an amount of $ 6,000 .000 pesos.

The study evaluating the effect of ivermectin on the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19 found that the administration of ivermectin at a dose of 0.6 milligrams per kilogram of weight (three times the usual amount) produces the faster and deeper shedding of the virus when treatment is started early in the infection (up to 5 days from the onset of symptoms).

The finding of the antiviral activity of ivermectin is the result of a clinical study on 45 patients with mild or moderate disease in different hospital centers (CEMIC, Muñiz and Alta Cuenca de Cañuelas), among which 30 patients were administered ivermectin in high doses The rest were not, and drug safety measurements, virus quantification in respiratory secretions and ivermectin levels in blood were made. The patients who received ivermectin presented a significantly different antiviral response than those not treated, the effect was evidenced in the deeper decrease of virus secretions.

Currently the project has approvals from the ANMAT and in the future it must define the best way to determine if the identified effect translates into a clinical and / or epidemiological utility and, in this case, the mode of administration with the necessary safety and efficacy measures. .

High doses of Ivermectin, why? The ivermectin assay has a background in an article published in "Antiviral Research" by Caly et al., Australian researchers showing the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells in-vitro . In other words, "the study is limited to looking at the effects in test tubes," according to Krolewiecki.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug widely used in human and veterinary medicine, and according to the CONICET researcher at the National University of Salta, "the limitations of the in-vitro model are that it ignores the immune component of the host and does not take into account the balance between drug concentration versus viral load ” , something that is typical in the evaluation of the antiviral activity of drugs in Acute Respiratory Infections such as COVID-19 and influenza.

The design, development and analysis of the study is a public-private cooperation made up of the Tandil Veterinary Research Center (CIVETAN), UNCPBA-CICPBA-CONICET; the Biotechnological Services Platform-COMTra-National University of Quilmes; the EleaPhoenix SA Laboratory (co-financed the project); the Tropical Disease Research Institute - National University of Salta - CONICET and the Virology Laboratory of the Garrahan Hospital.

About the "Coronavirus Unit" Its objective is to make available all the capacities for the development of technological projects, human resources, infrastructure and equipment that may be required to carry out diagnostic and research tasks on the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus.


[-] Z3rul | 3 points | Sep 23 2020 23:43:15

I wonder what chaccour thinks about this


[-] luisvel | 3 points | Sep 24 2020 02:11:02

Great! Even with a low N I wonder when they eill publish the results.
