TrumpLyftAlles | 7 points | Sep 16 2020 23:05:11

As Per the Guideline Ivermectin should be given as (Uttar Pradesh India 2020-09-01)


[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points | Sep 16 2020 23:34:29

I’d like to know how widespread this is, because their cases have continued to rise, as have deaths


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 16 2020 23:11:01

For prophylaxis:

Day 1 and Day 7, then dosing every Day 1 in subsequent months


All doses at 200mcg/kg, to be taken 2 hours after dinner.

Day 1,Day 7 & Day 30 followed by once every month from then on

A better statement would be "Day 1 for every subsequent month"; the instruction literally say dose on Day 30, and Day 1 after that might be the next day, which surely isn't intended. Edited to say that.


[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points | Sep 17 2020 00:09:56

All doses at 200mcg/kg, to be taken 2 hours after dinner.

I wonder why they recommend 2 hours after dinner. Seems very specific. Maybe to avoid an upset stomach.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 17 2020 00:35:19

There's this from the best safety study:

2.6 times as much ivermectin reaches the blood stream when taken with food.

I guess that doesn't make sense.

I don't know either. I emailed the researchers. If I hear back, I'll ask.


[-] jamesroguski | 1 points | Sep 17 2020 16:24:55


I have been censored numerous times on this platform.

Hopefully, this comment will meet with approval.

I believe that this is the official Directorate of Medical and Health Services document, but I cannot translate it and I cannot find the official English version.

It would be great if someone could find the english version and text it to me at 310-619-3055

FYI: I am the webmaster for this Ivermectin Resource Center.

Feel free to contact me directly at:



[-] 3meow_ | 1 points | Sep 18 2020 10:57:09

I feel that immunocopromised patients should be added to the prophylactic dose structure
