TrumpLyftAlles | 9 points | Sep 16 2020 04:41:27

A placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study in COvid-19 patients with iveRmectin; An investigator initiated trial (CORVETTE-01) (Japan 2020-09-16) New trial!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points | Sep 16 2020 04:45:03

Randomized placebo-controlled study with N = 240. Treatment is 1 dose of ivermectin at 200mcg/kg. Primary outcome: Period until PCR test goes negative.

Sounds good! No expected completion date on the registration.


[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points | Sep 16 2020 12:35:17

More “western” countries is a good thing.

At some point people will have to take this seriously


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 17 2020 00:20:08

Maybe we'll get an expected completion date:

Good morning!

I'm very interested in tracking ivermectin research; since March my friends and I have posted 500+ articles, studies and trials to the reddit ivermectin sub:

Your ivermectin trial is really good news! Perfect design. Exciting! Already posted, of course.

I guess "Primary outcome: Period until PCR test goes negative" means that you'll be giving every patient a PCR test every day? That will be excellent; the trials to date have only done tests occasionally, e.g. Bangladesh tested on Days 5 and 6. It will be really helpful to have solid data on ivermectin's clearance rate.

The registration page didn't say when you expect the study to be completed.

Do you have an expected date? Would you please let me know what it is?

Drop by the ivermectin sub sometime! It's not a big community, but it's friendly and a good ivermectin resource.


- [Name]

The links to Bangladesh and the Japan trial were lost when I copied the email's text.
