foggynotion | 4 points | Sep 11 2020 16:33:50

Ivermectin: A Closer Look at a Potential Remedy (US 2020-09-11)


[-] foggynotion | 6 points | Sep 11 2020 16:35:10

"During our literature review, we found one report studying the effect of inhaled ivermectin on rats, exposing rats to four hours of inhaled ivermectin five days per week for four weeks. It was noticed that the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was determined at 380 mg/m3 28/"Study on the subacute inhalation toxicity of ivermectin TC in rats""

"Conclusions: Based on the above-mentioned reports, we see that the development of an inhaled form of ivermectin needs further attention, given its potential efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19. The use of inhaled ivermectin as a potential antiviral medication for the SARS-CoV-2 virus might be an easy and affordable solution while facing a global pandemic. Ivermectin could have broad-spectrum antiviral properties which can lead to its potential use for other respiratory viral infections, rendering it effective in managing emerging viral outbreaks in the future. The need for further studies to investigate the efficiency and safety of inhaled ivermectin in the human population is warranted."

Author Information:
Karim O. Elkholy (Corresponding Author) Internal Medicine, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA

Omar Hegazy
Internal Medicine, Mercy Hospital, Chicago, USA

Burak Erdinc Internal Medicine, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA

Hesham Abowali
Internal Medicine, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA


[-] strongerthrulife | 6 points | Sep 11 2020 16:50:15

Considering who fielded this information, it’s good News going forward

Imagine if we developed an anti-viral based on how ivermectin works to protect us against any future viruses.


[-] propargyl | 2 points | Sep 11 2020 21:55:28

The need for further studies to investigate the efficiency and safety of inhaled ivermectin in the human population is warranted.

A clinical trial will commence soon. Ivermectin Nasal Spray for COVID19 Patients


[-] jmaf2000 | 1 points | Sep 14 2020 20:18:25

Back in June, my wife (57), grandson (3) and I (58) tested positive for Covid. My wife was going to have a procedure at the hospital and a covid test was required to enter the hospital. It was Friday when she was tested. Saturday, next day my wife was tested and the day the hospital call us to let us know she was positive I took a test and was negative. She did not have symptoms until Saturday. I had symptoms until Monday. Took a new test Wednesday and came up positive. We live in a border town with Mexico. I already had ivermectin, azithromycin, and prednisone as a precaution because covid was hitting very hard in Arizona (some days the positive rate in my town 25%). The doctors here in USA told us to only take Tylenol. And if we get very sick go to the hospital. We did not follow their advice.

We begun taking ivermectin 12mg (two tabs) daily for 10 days. 5 days one tab azithromycin, 1 tab prednisone 50mg for 7 days. As I said, I am 58, 6’3” 268 pounds, high blood pressure, cholesterol and smoker. Wife is not overweight but has diabetes. Our symptoms were a little cough, body aches, very tired, I did not have temperature, my wife did for 4 days. One day I had little pain when I breath. Little throat pain and nasal pain (like when you breath very cold air). The symptoms lasted about a week. And that was it. Thanks God.

We live in my house with two of my sons and my grandson. Household of 5. it was impossible not to interact with each other since they work from home since the beginning of the pandemic. Both my sons tested negative. They took ivermectin for 5 days as a preventive measure. My grandson was positive, no symptoms, no medicine required. By the end of July my wife had her colonoscopy after testing negative for covid. Last month my wife and I took a test for antibodies and was positive. We have antibodies now :)


[-] foggynotion | 2 points | Sep 15 2020 01:44:30

wow this is such a great story! I really hope they allow emergency use off label for covid sometime soon.


[-] jmaf2000 | 1 points | Sep 15 2020 01:53:33

Thanks. I hope so too. I think it could save lots of lives
