wallahmaybee | 2 points | Sep 07 2020 17:22:26

Supercomputer breakthrough-Why Ivermectin and vit D work (Peak Prosperity)



[-] wallahmaybee | 2 points | Sep 07 2020 17:24:29

For someone who doesn't have time to read science journals.

Feel free to delete if inappropriate for this sub, I won't spit the dummy.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 09 2020 20:07:55

Thanks for the post!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Sep 09 2020 20:07:38

The bulk of this is about the Bradykinin hypothesis. The observed phenomenon is a huge increase in ACE2 in the lungs, which is how the coronavirus enters cells. In patients with severe disease, there was 199 times as much ACE2 (around 23:00)!! Lots of other things are upregulated too. The virus upregulates by modifying genetic expression in the nucleus.

Hence ivermectin (28:45): it prevents the virus's proteins from entering the nucleus by binding to the imp a/beta1 heterodimers, which prevent's the virus's proteins from entering the nucleus. This prevents the upregulation of ACE2 and thus limits the virus's ability to enter cells.

The chart of pathways shown (again) at 24:56 has vitamin D in the upper-left corner, associated with VDR (vitamin D receptor), which inhibits the pathway that leads to ACE2 upregulation. This could be the mechanism whereby vitamin D protects against severe covid-19.

At 35:35 he turns to zinc. Bradykinin precursors are inhibited by zinc, preventing production of Bradykinin. He recommends Quercetin (a zinc ionophore) to help zinc get into the cell.
