hypnotheorist | 4 points
Effect of ivermectin on male fertility and its interaction with P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil) in rats (2008)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1382668908000550
Undesirable is highly subjective. If it's just killing off swimmers who cares? But if it's causing or worsening ED that would be an issue. Doesn't seem to.
[-] hypnotheorist | 1 points
It says it'll shrink your balls to about 70-80% their size and lower testosterone levels about 20% as well as messing with the sperm themselves.
[-] hypnotheorist | 1 points | Sep 03 2020 03:21:26
Here's another related study: Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP‐3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility
And a snippet from the conclusion of each:
"We concluded that ivermectin has slight effects on male fertility, but when taken with verapamil induced adverse effects on meiosis and fertility"
"We concluded that ivermectin has undesirable effects on male fertility and altered expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes in the testes, while the administration of alpha lipoic acid can ameliorate the adverse effects of ivermectin"
Still sounds better than untreated COVID, but it doesn't seem like such an easy decision for prophylaxis at reasonably low risk.
Does anyone have any insight on how this might generalize to humans?