TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points
Ivermectin therapy to control Corona (Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 2020-08-29)
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
This is interesting for the photo of people in hazmat suits apparently taking a swab for a test -- and the dosing schedules, including prophylactic use for contacts:
Patients: IVM for 3 days + 2 doses/day DOXY for 5 days
In treating untreated and mildly symptomatic Kovid-19 patients, ivermectin will be administered at an average of 12 mg per kilogram of body weight at 200 mug per kilogram of body weight for the first three days, two hours after a meal, once a night for two hours. Also, 100 mg gram of doxycycline will be given twice a day for five days.
Edit: I8wu pointed out that 12mg/kg is wrong. It must be the usual 200mcg/kg, which works out to 12mg for a 60 kg person.
Contacts: IVM after dinner on days 1 and 7
This is the way to give the medicine, for the person coming in contact with the remedial, people should be given two hours after dinner on the first and seventh day to protect them from possible infection in the person exposed to Kovid-19 infection.
Healthy health workers: Days 1, 7 and 30 for first month, then monthly after that.
(thanks, Shaunak)
In order to prevent infection in the health workers employed in the treatment and control of corona, the drug is to be given ivermectin once per month on the seventh, 30th day and in the order of frequency, at the rate of 200 mu per kilogram of body weight. is.
Sick health workers: Same as other patients
Health care workers are to be given treatment and control of Kovid-19 to prevent infection among health workers. Kovid-19 should be given medicine for the first three days, under-treatment, non-symptomatic patients and patients with mild symptoms. In addition, doxycycline should be given twice a day for five days.
They are taking their cue from the Bangladesh studies, perhaps.
IVM = ivermectin
DOXY = doxycycline
[-] shaunak_dey | 3 points
Another big positive news. more.than 1900 people cured by ivermectin. Its late night, might translate tomorrow. In short they used ivermectin, doxycycline and vitamin d combo.
[-] shaunak_dey | 1 points
i think they mislabeled vitamin d with calcium
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Do you want to post the link as a main post? I will if you don't want to.
[-] shaunak_dey | 2 points
The translation is a bit different. For health workers, this mentions ivermectin on 1st , 7th and 30th of the month (3 times) and after that, once per month. Also ivermectin will not be given to pregnant women and children below 2 years
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Thanks for the correction!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Also ivermectin will not be given to pregnant women and children below 2 years
They're behind on the science. Merck said ivermectin is safe for pregnant women, and a safety study found no problems with 1-month-old babies.
[-] shaunak_dey | 3 points
Someone needs to convince these policymakers on that.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Someone tweeted these doses, seemingly from the same source:
India UP Gov. order (06Aug)
Dose: Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg When: 2 hrs after dinner
Prophylaxis in contact: lst day and 7th day
Prophylaxis for doctors: Ist, 7th, 30th day, then once in a month
Mild and asymptomatic patients Ist, 2nd and 3rd day & Doxycycline I00 mg twice a day
The last should be DOXY for 5 days. Probably ran out of room (twitter is so annoying that way).
[-] i8wu | 5 points | Aug 30 2020 00:17:33
You may want to correct "12 mg per kilogram of body weight" that is a huge amount. That's a 960 mg dose for someone weighing 80 kg. It should be 200 mcg (micrograms) per kilogram. Unless, I am missing something.
I believe it is meant to say an average single dose of 12 mg, for the average person's weight, at a dosage of 200 mcg per kilogram. What may be clear to some may not be clear to others and dosage is the most important part in all of this. I suggest it is always good to give an example. i.e. 200 mcg x's 60 kg = 12 mg.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 0 points | Aug 30 2020 00:24:53
Good attention to detail! I'll note the discrepancy.