TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points
Clinical Trial of Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline for the Treatment of Confirmed Covid-19 Infection (Dhaka Bangladesh 2020-08-24 ClinicalTrials)
[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points
Fingers crossed
As hard as I can cross them
[-] fyodor32768 | 2 points
I think that for one of the more recent clinical trials, it was still a good month or two from conclusion of the study to seeing something published so it could be a while.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points
JP put the date and location in his previous post, why the need to delete his post?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Naming convention, as I explained.
The naming convention:
<exact title (country date)
How hard is that to comprehend?
Do you think the naming convention is useless bullshit? Honest question.
For me, at least, it's highly useful when trying to figure out whether an article has already been posted. A given study can have several sources on the web, so an article may have multiple links. The title allows a search for the title of a maybe-already-posted link -- something I do every time before I post an article. I can't remember everything that's been posted (by a long shot) so it's important.
NOT having duplicates keeps the conversation about a given article in one place.
If you think the naming convention is useless bullshit, let me know. I'm getting pretty sick of the general failure to comply. I have better things to do with my time than play cop in this sub.
Naming convention are enforced on /r/politics, /r/covid19, and /r/coronavirus. Here is how /r/coronavirus states their rule:
2. No Edited Titles
All submissions must be submitted with the original title of the submitted article where applicable. Editorialization via title editing of any kind is likely to be removed.
It's not a special burden that I invented to be a prick.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points
I think the naming convention should have some flexibility, like I think it had before. Sometimes a title will be completely irrelevant to the juicy bit of information about ivermectin within, meaning people might overlook it. The point of posting is to convey the information.
There's a feature on some subreddits where you can't post the same link that's already been posted. I'm not a mod so don't know how to fix that, but it could be a simpler way to do it.
Date and place is helpful, and it's not about karma or anything, but maybe let people post with a bit more freedom as long as it gets the job done. Live and let live, ya know?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
There's a feature on some subreddits where you can't post the same link that's already been posted.
As I wrote:
A given study can have several sources on the web, so an article may have multiple links.
You suggest:
let people post with a bit more freedom as long as it gets the job done. Live and let live, ya know?
Sure, right after you persuade /r/politics, /r/coronavirus and /r/covid19 to allow a bit more freedom. Let me know when you've accomplished that.
If someone wants to say "This is the bestest shiniest protocol ever" or any other commentary, they can put that in their post.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points
I haven't seen too many instances of the same article having different web addresses. Sure the same study might be covered by different sources occasionally, but I think it's not too common on balance. I couldn't imagine it'd happen very often. You'll most likely save yourself some work and stress if you put that feature on the subreddit.
As for those subreddits, they have 6m, 2m and 300k followers respectively, this one has just short of 300. For such big subreddits it's worth having the rules because there would be a lot more unwieldy posts from all parts of the internet otherwise. There are only a number of people who post on this one, and generally people are all on the same page in terms of advancing the knowledge pool about ivermectin.
Also because the focus of this subreddit is a lot more specific, the piece of info on ivermectin might be buried in an article with a different subject, but that's the relevant information for this subreddit. Rules are great, but sometimes doing things in a way that best gets you to the heart of the matter can be the better way to go about things. I don't open every post, but if I can see what info is inside and it looks like a big piece of news, I'm more inclined to check it out.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Why don't you post to Ivermectin Questions to see if others are chafing under the totally reasonable and justified (IMO) <title (country date) convention? Or make it a main post if you prefer; I won't delete it for not being named correctly.
This is our sub, not mine, but so far you're the only person pushing back about the naming convention, IIRC.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points
I'm not going to post on the issue beyond this, you can if you like. But as you said, it's a collective subreddit, just consider whether you deleting and reposting articles comes across as helpful and constructive to spreading useful information, or excessively picky to the point where it gets in the way of people being motivated to contribute to the sub. I'll leave it at that.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 1 points
I'm not going to post on the issue beyond this, you can if you like. But as you said, it's a collective subreddit, just consider whether you deleting and reposting these posts comes across as helpful and constructive, or tiresome and getting in the way. I'll leave it at that.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
What is your concern, that JP doesn't accrue the karma?
If I could eliminate my karma numbers, I would. I give exactly zero shits about it.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Aug 25 2020 20:12:50
OMIGOD a good study of ivermetin + doxycycline, one with an honest to God placebo control arm!
Placebo-controlled double-blind randomly-assigned with N = 400. That's the gold standard RCT!
They've been working on this one!
Study start date: 2020-06-01
Preliminary completion: 2020-08-25
Study completion: 2020-08-30
That's like, 5 days from now! :)
Treatment: Ivermactin 6 mg 2 tab stat, cap Doxycycline 100 mg 1 cap BD 5 days
(I guess that means 1 12mg dose of ivermectin on day 1?)
Control: Standard treatment
Primary outcomes:
Early Clinical improvement of the patients [ Time Frame: 7 days ] How many days it requires to become the patient completely symptoms free
Early Clinical improvement of the patients [ Time Frame: 7 days ] How many days it requires to become the patient completely symptoms free
Nothing useful in the description.