TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | Aug 24 2020 17:35:06

COVID-19 Therapeutic Plan and Potential Therapies (Peru 2020-07-29 Aguirre Protocol)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Aug 24 2020 17:36:42

stiveoo said in his/her badly-named post which this one replaces:

It also includes many drugs more effective than ivermectin like Niclosamide and nitazoxanide.


[-] luisvel | 1 points | Aug 24 2020 20:32:30

How does he/she backup those claims?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 24 2020 20:55:59

?? You're looking at the same post as me.

No backup, just opinion.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 24 2020 17:38:10

In the badly-name post, thaw4188 posted:

oh nice, that's an updated one from May

(old one from may to compare)

btw that's really only useful in a hospital with IV availble, though of course ivermectin is available in all settings and there are other anti-clots available


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 24 2020 17:39:14

My comment from the badly-named post:

If you want, you may resubmit this with a proper title. I suggest "COVID-19 Therapeutic Plan and Potential Therapies (Peru 2020-07-29 Aguirre Protocol).

The title I suggested is on the left margin of the image.

If you don't re-submit it, I will.

Read the naming convention post at the top of the sub, please.

The July 29 version has already been submitted to the sub, but I couldn't find it in a brief search just now -- so a redundant, findable post is OK, I guess.

When I search for this, I'll search for Aquirre or protocol. Both words in the title are good.

If you want to make editorial comments like "best" and "most complete", save those for the text with your post, not the title. BACK THEM UP. "Best" would require your presenting at least 2 or 3 competing protocols and saying why Aguirre's is superior to them. It would be a big piece of work. Worth it, IMO; it would be VERY interesting. Without backing support, "best" is meaningless rah-rah, not science. We don't care about which protocol you like -- not unless you tell us in a convincing evidence-based way why we should.

I want to be friendly. Excuse my tone if this seems harsh. Just describing the sub culture -- or what I think the culture is, anyway.

Thanks for your future contributions!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 30 2020 01:41:04

Apparently (?) new versions will be uploaded to here.

Dr. Aguirre's comments on twitter about the new version:

COVID-19: THERAPEUTIC PLAN AND POTENTIAL THERAPIES (ver. 29.07.20) Dear, I send you the updated Therapeutic Plan Table for COVID-19, the changes are as follows:
1) Tocilizumab has been removed,
2) 5) Niclosamide has been added.

The main medicine continues to be Ivermectin.

Interesting that Tocilizumab is removed; I thought it was promising?!

The abstract (there's also a PDF but it's only the image of the protocol).

The updated version as of September 6, 2020 of the Table of the Therapeutic Plan and Potential Therapies for COVID-19 is published.

The main changes are as follows:

1) NITAZOXANIDE: It has been included again in the Moderates. It is indicated to give it together with IVM, especially if it is observed that O2 Saturation does not improve, or there are signs of intestinal compromise and / or a higher viral load, this is when the response is slow and partial to treatment with IVM.

It is due to warning the patient and the family that it is very likely that they will present diarrhea or semi-liquid stools, which can last 2 to 3 days, and that we have seen this correlate with the severity and higher viral load, it would be eliminating traces of virus.

In the patients we have treated in recent weeks, it has not been necessary to resort to corticosteroids or oxygen. It is better to cure them by increasing the dose of IVM and adding Nitazoxanide.

2) Ivermectin: for countries that use 6mg pills, the cut-off points for Doses by weight have been modified to 75 and 105 kilos, so that a higher dose is given in those with greater weight.

3) DOXYCYCLINE: it has become the antibiotic of choice for the start of treatment, and the alternative is Azithromycin. In cases that progress to Moderate, it is recommended to extend 2 to 3 more days of Doxycycline or Azithromycin (depending on the case).

If Fever reappears (or presents Leukocytosis and elevated Procalcitonin), give Levoflozaxin 500 or 750mg daily x 6 days.

4) VITAMIN A: I have been using it and have been recommending it for many years in all infections and tissue injuries, we have increased the daily intake of 50,000 IU per day from 3 to 6 days in a row. We even recommend that the 1st day be 100,000 IU (not enough space to put this in the table).

Before, 50,000 IU tablets were sold, and it was easy to tell them to take 2 to 3 a day, now more are the 10,000 IU tablets.

5) ZINC: Therapeutic Dose is between 90 to 150 mg per day in Mild to Moderate cases, and 200 to 400 mg per day in Critical cases.

6) VITAMIN B 12: studies indicate its usefulness in the acute stage, and it has been identified that there is a B12 depletion in Chronic COVID, we are going to publish the Table of the Therapeutic Plan for Prolonged or Sub Acute COVID and Chronic COVID.

7) ISOTRETINOIN or RETINOIC ACID: its mention has been included among the potential therapies to which we can resort in severe cases.

8) DEXAMETASONE: its use should be postponed to Severe and Critical cases. New study published in JAMA indicates doses of up to 20 mg per day for the first 5 days and in Hospitalization, and then lower to 10 mg for 5 more days. For our part we recommend lower doses.

9) PO ANTIBIOTICS: given the limited availability of nursing staff and the recommendation to limit IM injections if they are with anticoagulants, in cases with fever (or leukocytosis with left shift and elevated procalcitonin), it is suggested to evaluate the use of oral Levofloxacin, and in severe cases of Moxifloxacin as an alternative to Ceftriaxone: The First Line of Therapeutic Action is the one that must always be ensured, with Ivermectin and then Nitazoxanide to reduce the viral load. In the 3rd Line of Action, more importance is being given to Vitamins and Minerals, and the use of immunosuppressants is being postponed.
