psud83 | 3 points | Aug 24 2020 13:05:30

Ivermectin use in India



[-] strongerthrulife | 2 points | Aug 24 2020 13:59:41

It’s amazing this isn’t getting more international coverage


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 24 2020 17:29:55

1) Naming convention violation
2) Article posted already

This is why we have the naming convention (one reason anyway) -- so when you find an article, you can search the sub to see if your article is already posted.

Click here to see the original post AND WHAT THE TITLE SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

The naming convention is the top post. It's a 2-minute read. There are a few hundred examples of the naming convention properly applied in the sub. It's not too much to ask, is it, really? Please?

Edit: See this new post to the naming convention topic at the top of the sub (1 minute read).

TLATODO: Delete this post 2020-08-25
