TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
Doctor claims Ivermectin triple therapy is 'amazingly effective' in treating COVID-19 (Australia 2020-08-08 Borody)[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I kind of laid into Prof. Borody on twitter. Someone challenged me to watch one of his videos. I chanced across this one, which has been one the ones I see all the time on twitter.
I'm hard of hearing and found the dialog hard to listen to, so I got downloaded the video's subtitles (here -- handy site!)
Here are the subtitles. Maybe someday I'll add punctuation. In general, paragraph breaks mean someone else is talking. The news guy goes first, Borody should be every other paragraph after that. The longer paragraphs are Borody.
He doesn't claim to have treated a single covid-19 patient with his therapy -- or any covid-19 patients, period.
The subtitles:
professor barodi is an internationally regarded physician known for his ability to repurpose or recombine approved drugs for new treatments his most famous uh he's he is most famous for his cure for peptic ulcers people used to think ulcers were caused by stress it turned out that they were caused by a bacteria so thomas barodi used a combination of three approved antibiotics to kill the bacteria saving 18 000 australian lives and millions around the world he has four fda approved drugs on the u.s and australian markets has also sold or licensed a number of his innovations to pharma companies the ivor mectin triple therapy he has developed for covert 19 is made up of three medications that are all approved and in use around the globe
welcome to outsiders dr thomas barody how are you hello nice to hear voice well good to see you so how did you come up with this either mectin triple therapy and is first of all it's safe
well that's the main thing about it it's safe it's been around since 1975 and it is a broad spectrum it kills viruses bacteria and parasites and it had all the makings of it especially in a test tube it was 5000 more powerful than anything else and the trouble was that it was a fairly high dose in a test tube so what we added to it was an antibiotic that is also an antiparasitic and antiviral which is doxycycline so we could reduce the dose and add a general endosome active agent called zinc and it's surprise we were surprised how amazingly well it cures coronavirus it's an easy virus to kill
um so how what have you done with this research let's get on to that have you as a peer reviewed or the government looking at it what what's uh steps forward are we seeing presumably our health authorities are being on the phone to you saying come on talk us through this
well we wish they were so we've set up trials in the u.s because that's where the patients were now they've blown out in here but we are in the u.s so that we can have a box made up with three drugs in blister packs for 10 days to cure america cure australia cure the world but i've had fairly negative answers from the government here i have a feeling because it never gets past the advisory unit
well has anyone overseas uh tested this regimen and uh why are you so confident that it's going to be effective with coronavirus
well because there are multiple works done elsewhere because it's an anti-parasitic it sits across south america quite a bit in the usa also india and bangladesh and in those places where trials between 80 and 160 patients were done the amazing and surprising thing is there's not one paper where it was successful less than 100 and you know when something's too good to be true it is too good to be true but nevertheless that is the actual factual result it is curative within six to eight days
james i want to ask two questions number one how what is the mechanism by which this knocks out the coronavirus or cobia 19 and why do you think there is just sort of such a bias among governments to go for these silver bullets that are being supposedly manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies rather than look at solutions that might already be on the shelf
well i'm speaking as a person who repurposes multiple drugs for killing intra cellular inside cells bacteria and viruses so this ivormectin and others inhibit intracellular proteins that help this virus to be multiplying in our cells because they cannot multiply on their own they have to enter our cells and that's where we nab them and there is an integrin and a transporting they're two named proteins that it inhibits and you combine it with a few others that also worked in these tiny vesicles inside our cells and the reproduction stops subs did and i am still surprised how well it works and how few side effects it has there are so many doctors who take it around the world and don't tell you about it until you ask them as a preventative for themselves not to catch it because often the frontline workers
the sky viewers will like to know that dan andrews is making a speech a press interview a statement at 11 30 which you can have here on sky
dr thomas brody would this uh be good news for someone like dan andrews if you if in your opinion would this drug be able to ease for example the lockdown
oh absolutely i mean i would suggest that we get some flying doctor units that means a doctor and several nurses or other workers and treat every day every positive person and then do preventative treatment for those who are around them and every day if we were to treat 500 new cases and say 3 500 a week the numbers that would go into hospital you can count on your fingers and currently we have more like three to 500 going into hospital so i think it would be excellent news it would just break the blow out of the numbers
so you you in your opinion is definitely safe oh absolutely and myself and research around the world the other clinical trials around the world are you following them closely
oh i have them all listed and there have been tr studies which showed 12 milligrams versus 18 versus 36 and the worst side effect which was in 6.3 percent across the board of doses was headache and some people had a sore toe there was a backache and you know someone mentioned that that they also had some dizziness they're the sort of side effects we're talking about
and is that common in these sorts of drugs
no well no six percent six out of 100 will have a headache right that's probably the normal incidence of a headache in 100 people anyhow
fascinating well i hope greg hunt and others are watching rita james are you going to be asking dr thomas brady for a script
um can i ask one more question yes please um we've put all our eggs in the vaccine basket in this country as an expert i just want to know what you believe the chances are of developing an effective safe vaccine in the next 12 months for covert 19.
well i'm not a vaccine expert but i read broadly and vaccine is in a lot of trouble but if we use a preventative combination of ivamectin every say two weeks it would work like a vaccine but it would not only cure vaccine doesn't cure and prevent recurrence as long as you took it for one year two years there are papers that show that vaccine loses its activity between three and six months so we are in trouble with the vaccine ideally let's say we treat and then vaccinate treat and vaccinate whatever happens we need to have a therapy as well as a vaccine
dr thomas brody thanks so much for coming on outside as well greg hunt and uh brett sutton and all those other chief medical officers out there paul kelly why don't you give this bloke a buzz maybe he could teach you a thing or two
[-] lafrase | 3 points | Aug 22 2020 15:35:44
WOW! I love his confidence in the treatment!!! This made my day ;) Thanks for sharing it!!