Is there data showing how Cali has fared compared to its neighbors?
The use of this remedy, which Alvaro Uribe took to overcome the virus, is part of the strategy with which Mayor Ospina is saving lives
"If it does not cure, it does not kill" is the logic with which people in Cali, who massively take Ivermectin, at the first manifestations of the COVID-19 symptom. This is the antiparasitic remedy, whose use began after researchers from Australia reported in early April that Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, which causes COVID-19. Several doctors faced with the disease in isolated territories decided to use it, such as the doctor Sergio Bardon, in Loreto, a small town in the Peruvian Amazon, with surprising results, which paved the way for its massive prescription in Peru, Bolivia and Guayaquil (Ecuador ).
Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina, also a doctor, defended, amidst rays and flashes, its use in Cali in mid-July. It was about avoiding deaths. The fact is that in a first measurement of the virus cycle between July 20 and August 3, the lethality had decreased by 25%. They are waiting to consolidate figures, but with the data provided daily by the National Health Institute, the average number of deaths in Cali is 17 per day, with more than 80% of the cases treated at home.
The use of Ivermectin in its early stage has just been a new validator: former President Alvaro Uribe Vélez, who made public his personal experience to overcome COVID. He acknowledged having taken Invervectin and the antibiotic Azotramycin, the two medications that many Colombian doctors are recommending in renowned clinics in the country to take in the early stage of the virus, the first five days, before the acute respiratory syndrome, the systemic inflammation response and activation of coagulation in symptomatic patients.
Probably a spelling error? Googling "Azotramycin" produced "Showing results for Azithromycin".
The mayor of Cali Jorge Iván Ospina did not hesitate to take advantage of Uribe's recognition from his farm El Ubérrimo, where the disease has passed, to remember the cost it took for him to have been a pioneer in the use of Ivermectin.
The successful health strategy of Cali, headed by the Secretary of Health, the doctor Miyerlandi Torres, has two axes: one aimed at avoiding contagions and the other the early intervention to patients with the virus to avoid complications of the disease. The speed of contagion in Cali is at RO 0.98 (the peak has already passed and is on the decline) and the lethality is also decreasing.
In Cali, they took the pedagogical path of persuasion and convincing people for the implementation of mask measures and social distancing, different from authoritarian restrictions and police sanctions. The mayor soon understood that the socioeconomic reality of most of the people of the city did not allow permanent extensions of quarantines and that in practice he would break them, out of simple necessity.
Life Guardians is the health secretary's program, a basic work that with geo-references of micro-territories, areas with the highest risk of contagion that reaches hot streets, neighborhoods, communes and also sectorial focuses such as galleries and popular businesses to explain and distribute masks. Secretary Miyerlandi Torres, who personally travels to the communities with a multisectoral team, considers that at least 80% of Caleños already use face masks on a daily basis.
But the most shocking thing, because it is about the issue of life and death, is the early intervention that is done to those who are already infected with COVID. Again, they do not wait for the sick to arrive late to health posts or hospitals, because it is clear that this virus must be defeated in its initial phase. Small ambulatory health units travel with doctors to the neighborhoods to make early diagnoses based on clinical examination of symptoms, to act quickly and manage at home, with which the hospital decongestion has been significant and the use of the Units of Intensive Care has not been on a yellow alert, much less red.
They send out teams including doctors to examine people in their homes? Wow. Sounds really hard to scale up.
In any case, the use of Ivervectin in Cali has an academic support of scientific bibliography endorsed even by the Ministry of Health. Invima approved a study by Dr. Pio Lopez, emeritus researcher at Colciencias, director of the Center for Pediatric Infectology Studies, to carry out a clinical trial in four months that will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of Ivermectin. This is being carried out with 400 people; half will use the drug and the remaining 200 will take a placebo (none of the participants will know that it was given to them during the procedure), a method known as a blind trial.
Wow! A clinical trial with N = 400! TLATODO: Find this trial or note someplace that it's an unregistered trial.
With the support of the laboratories, they have achieved that the result of the confirmation test of the existence of the virus in the patients linked to the investigation is delivered in a record time of less than 24 hours. It seeks to verify what empirical experience is showing, but which also has its explanation in the pharmacological composition of the drug, which inhibits the entry of the virus into the cell, blocking its reproduction.
The predominant theory is that ivermecton prevents entry to the cell nucleus, but the recent molecular study did suggest ivermectin may prevent entry to the cell as well.
Ivermectin was invented in the 1980s and is widely used in the world as a broad spectrum antiparasitic drug that is very effective in treating scabies and lice. Since its approval for use in humans in 1987 to date, more than 3.7 billion doses have been administered, with good tolerance, minimal adverse effects, and few contraindications.
Its inventors gave the intellectual rights to humanity, its manufacture is safe, cheap and easy, thanks to which its version for humans (there is also veterinary Ivermectin) is available in the market between $ 12 thousand and $ 25 thousand. In the country in oral solution it is produced by several laboratories MK (Tecnoquímicas), Simpiox (Gerco), Lidinox (Scandinavia Pharma), Ivertrel (Biochem), Iverblas (Blaskov), Ivergot (Licol), Gamabenzene (Labinco), Xadem (Metlen), Ivermectin (American Generics) and Quanox (Siegfried), in addition to being imported.
$25,000 in Colombian dollars is $6.65 US.
TLATODO: Look up these manufacturers
Tecnoquímicas, one of the largest laboratories in Colombia, has made such a bet on its effectiveness in the management of COVID in its early stage that it is prepared for a massive production of the drug. From Colombia it is being exported to Peru and El Salvador where its use is widespread and promoted by the ministries of health. In Guayaquil it gave very good results to contain the harsh crisis of the pandemic.
Colombia is an ivermectin exporter!
TLATODO: Any reports on Guayaquil?
Rodrigo Guerrero, the former mayor of Cali, a doctor specialized in public health at Harvard University with training in epidemiology published a column in El Pais, entitled Ivermectin and Common Sense in which he tells the history of the drug and accompanies the mayor of Cali in the route you have taken.
TLATODO: Find this article (could have it already?)
Also in Cali, fifty doctors led by Dr. Marco Martínez, with specializations in all fields of medicine, formed the group Doctors Cali Covid to seek alternatives that allow the virus to take lives away. Ivermectin is among the drugs that have been analyzed and are being prescribed in the early intervention strategy, from the appearance of the first symptoms, even before the positivity of the tests that often take up to eight days, by which time the disease has fatally advanced. The positive is that early intervention has shown that deaths in the midst of infections, this being the most important variable to attack in this terrifying pandemic.
I guess the last sentence means that it's essential to medicate against the virus early.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 19 2020 23:24:39
Is there data showing how Cali has fared compared to its neighbors?
The use of this remedy, which Alvaro Uribe took to overcome the virus, is part of the strategy with which Mayor Ospina is saving lives
"If it does not cure, it does not kill" is the logic with which people in Cali, who massively take Ivermectin, at the first manifestations of the COVID-19 symptom. This is the antiparasitic remedy, whose use began after researchers from Australia reported in early April that Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, which causes COVID-19. Several doctors faced with the disease in isolated territories decided to use it, such as the doctor Sergio Bardon, in Loreto, a small town in the Peruvian Amazon, with surprising results, which paved the way for its massive prescription in Peru, Bolivia and Guayaquil (Ecuador ).
Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina, also a doctor, defended, amidst rays and flashes, its use in Cali in mid-July. It was about avoiding deaths. The fact is that in a first measurement of the virus cycle between July 20 and August 3, the lethality had decreased by 25%. They are waiting to consolidate figures, but with the data provided daily by the National Health Institute, the average number of deaths in Cali is 17 per day, with more than 80% of the cases treated at home.
The use of Ivermectin in its early stage has just been a new validator: former President Alvaro Uribe Vélez, who made public his personal experience to overcome COVID. He acknowledged having taken Invervectin and the antibiotic Azotramycin, the two medications that many Colombian doctors are recommending in renowned clinics in the country to take in the early stage of the virus, the first five days, before the acute respiratory syndrome, the systemic inflammation response and activation of coagulation in symptomatic patients.
Probably a spelling error? Googling "Azotramycin" produced "Showing results for Azithromycin".
The mayor of Cali Jorge Iván Ospina did not hesitate to take advantage of Uribe's recognition from his farm El Ubérrimo, where the disease has passed, to remember the cost it took for him to have been a pioneer in the use of Ivermectin.
The successful health strategy of Cali, headed by the Secretary of Health, the doctor Miyerlandi Torres, has two axes: one aimed at avoiding contagions and the other the early intervention to patients with the virus to avoid complications of the disease. The speed of contagion in Cali is at RO 0.98 (the peak has already passed and is on the decline) and the lethality is also decreasing.
In Cali, they took the pedagogical path of persuasion and convincing people for the implementation of mask measures and social distancing, different from authoritarian restrictions and police sanctions. The mayor soon understood that the socioeconomic reality of most of the people of the city did not allow permanent extensions of quarantines and that in practice he would break them, out of simple necessity.
Life Guardians is the health secretary's program, a basic work that with geo-references of micro-territories, areas with the highest risk of contagion that reaches hot streets, neighborhoods, communes and also sectorial focuses such as galleries and popular businesses to explain and distribute masks. Secretary Miyerlandi Torres, who personally travels to the communities with a multisectoral team, considers that at least 80% of Caleños already use face masks on a daily basis.
But the most shocking thing, because it is about the issue of life and death, is the early intervention that is done to those who are already infected with COVID. Again, they do not wait for the sick to arrive late to health posts or hospitals, because it is clear that this virus must be defeated in its initial phase. Small ambulatory health units travel with doctors to the neighborhoods to make early diagnoses based on clinical examination of symptoms, to act quickly and manage at home, with which the hospital decongestion has been significant and the use of the Units of Intensive Care has not been on a yellow alert, much less red.
They send out teams including doctors to examine people in their homes? Wow. Sounds really hard to scale up.
In any case, the use of Ivervectin in Cali has an academic support of scientific bibliography endorsed even by the Ministry of Health. Invima approved a study by Dr. Pio Lopez, emeritus researcher at Colciencias, director of the Center for Pediatric Infectology Studies, to carry out a clinical trial in four months that will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of Ivermectin. This is being carried out with 400 people; half will use the drug and the remaining 200 will take a placebo (none of the participants will know that it was given to them during the procedure), a method known as a blind trial.
Wow! A clinical trial with N = 400! TLATODO: Find this trial or note someplace that it's an unregistered trial.
With the support of the laboratories, they have achieved that the result of the confirmation test of the existence of the virus in the patients linked to the investigation is delivered in a record time of less than 24 hours. It seeks to verify what empirical experience is showing, but which also has its explanation in the pharmacological composition of the drug, which inhibits the entry of the virus into the cell, blocking its reproduction.
The predominant theory is that ivermecton prevents entry to the cell nucleus, but the recent molecular study did suggest ivermectin may prevent entry to the cell as well.
Ivermectin was invented in the 1980s and is widely used in the world as a broad spectrum antiparasitic drug that is very effective in treating scabies and lice. Since its approval for use in humans in 1987 to date, more than 3.7 billion doses have been administered, with good tolerance, minimal adverse effects, and few contraindications.
Its inventors gave the intellectual rights to humanity, its manufacture is safe, cheap and easy, thanks to which its version for humans (there is also veterinary Ivermectin) is available in the market between $ 12 thousand and $ 25 thousand. In the country in oral solution it is produced by several laboratories MK (Tecnoquímicas), Simpiox (Gerco), Lidinox (Scandinavia Pharma), Ivertrel (Biochem), Iverblas (Blaskov), Ivergot (Licol), Gamabenzene (Labinco), Xadem (Metlen), Ivermectin (American Generics) and Quanox (Siegfried), in addition to being imported.
$25,000 in Colombian dollars is $6.65 US.
TLATODO: Look up these manufacturers
Tecnoquímicas, one of the largest laboratories in Colombia, has made such a bet on its effectiveness in the management of COVID in its early stage that it is prepared for a massive production of the drug. From Colombia it is being exported to Peru and El Salvador where its use is widespread and promoted by the ministries of health. In Guayaquil it gave very good results to contain the harsh crisis of the pandemic.
Colombia is an ivermectin exporter!
TLATODO: Any reports on Guayaquil?
Rodrigo Guerrero, the former mayor of Cali, a doctor specialized in public health at Harvard University with training in epidemiology published a column in El Pais, entitled Ivermectin and Common Sense in which he tells the history of the drug and accompanies the mayor of Cali in the route you have taken.
TLATODO: Find this article (could have it already?)
Also in Cali, fifty doctors led by Dr. Marco Martínez, with specializations in all fields of medicine, formed the group Doctors Cali Covid to seek alternatives that allow the virus to take lives away. Ivermectin is among the drugs that have been analyzed and are being prescribed in the early intervention strategy, from the appearance of the first symptoms, even before the positivity of the tests that often take up to eight days, by which time the disease has fatally advanced. The positive is that early intervention has shown that deaths in the midst of infections, this being the most important variable to attack in this terrifying pandemic.
I guess the last sentence means that it's essential to medicate against the virus early.