TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
Thread on twitter by Dr. Chaccour explaining his history with the drug and progress on his SAINT trial
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
He links to a number of known articles which I take as anti-ivermectin. He says that they are getting new cases of covid-19 in Spain so his SAINT trial is recruiting now.
The original trial called for N=10 patients receiving ivermectin, later N=15, IIRC. I tweeted a question asking him what N his SAINT is going for, no response so far.
This was funny and kind of encouraging:
There [in a thread about ivermectin inhibiting covid-19 in vitro], I clearly laid out the reasons for hope (i.e. please refrain from your patronizing advise on why it will NOT work).
why is he back-pedalling now? what happened? this dude is a joke
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I think he's a well-trained scientist behaving the way he was trained to behave. Random controlled trials ARE the gold standard, and we don't really have any of those yet (the control arms have been inadequate).
Or he could be a tool of Big Pharma and he's establishing his ivermectin cred so he can argue against ivermectin more effectively.
Or both.
[-] twitterInfo_bot | 2 points | Aug 18 2020 23:46:41
From early on into the pandemic, I have received unsolicited advise about ivermectin and #COVID.
e.g. "I would like to add to your thinking before you start your trial"
Others ask why am I "opposed" to ivermectin? (spoiler alert 🚨I am NOT)
posted by @carlos_chaccour
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