i8wu | 1 points | Aug 18 2020 09:52:40

Clinical Landscape Report on Ivermectin



[-] i8wu | 1 points | Aug 18 2020 09:52:53

Table of Content

Preface 1

Table of Content 3

About COVID-19 4

A. COVID-19 Timeline 4

B. Why is Ivermectin a treatment candidate for COVID-19? 5

About Ivermectin 6

A. Onchocerciasis Disease 6

B. Discovery of Ivermectin 7

C. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Ivermectin 8

D. Bioavailability (BA) and Bioequivalence (BE) Intelligence of Ivermectin 10

E. Adverse drug event [16] 11

Clinical Trials and Scientific Publications 13

A. Research 1: Pivoting point that brought spotlight on Ivermectin - Monash research 13

B. Research 2: ICON (Ivermectin in COVID Nineteen) Study [19] 15

C. Trials of Ivermectin across the world 16

Use of Ivermectin across the world 19

A. Peru research: 19

B. Bangladesh Doctors: 19

C. Use of Ivermectin by South American Nations against COVID: 20

WHO Bulletin: 21

A. WHO: Mass treatment with Ivermectin - an underutilized public health strategy [35] 21

B. WHO mass drug administration of Ivermectin 22

Ivermectin in India against COVID-19 23

A.Use in Mumbai Hospital 23

B. Trials in the country [40] 23

Indian production of Ivermectin [41] [42] [43] [44] 26

Comparison of Ivermectin and drugs available for COVID Treatment 34

Conclusion 35

Future research areas 36


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 18 2020 10:47:52

You're not getting it, i8wu. I've explained it over and over, and it's the top post on the sub, which I asked you to read. The correct title is:

Clinical Landscape Report on Ivermectin (US 2020-05-01)

I believe I actually sent that correct title to you.

Please repost with the correct title.

I LIKE the post and I appreciate that you put in the table of contents.
