BillyBob_TX | 5 points
Ivermectin added to the University of Liverpool COVID Drug interaction website
This is a huge step forward. Big Pharma can't block that very easily IMO.
[-] BillyBob_TX | 1 points
The step forward is that a huge first world university recognized Ivermectin as a potential treatment. Got to read between the lines, outside of the box. Any news is good news IMO.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Point taken. Thanks for making it again, so I get it.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 15 2020 22:46:32
LOL. How is it a step forward for ivermectin, that people can find out about drug interactions?
I like your advocacy, though.
HATE the UI.
I found this list of 66 moderate drug interactons with ivermectin. The site you linked didn't have most of the ones I tried. Type a few letters, nope, next one.
Why not just go to the list I found and look.