foggynotion | 8 points | Aug 14 2020 20:52:52

Ivermectin Breaking into American News as Doctors Come Forward & Share Treatments for COVID-19 (2020-08-14)


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Aug 14 2020 22:00:31

it's a shame is has to be individual doctor after doctor who actually reads the research and not CDC/NIH leading the way

when the $3000 a pop remdesivir runs out they might start looking again at $30 ivermectin but somehow I don't think big-pharma is going to be on board which means the head of the FDA won't endorse since he is literally part of the industry and is part of the whitehouse to pump their stock prices


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 14 2020 22:26:26

Merck is certainly Big Pharma. They've been giving away ivermectin for 20+ years, a billion doses in 2019. Made in New Jersey, AFAIK.

What I do not understand is why Merck couldn't make money from ivermectin. It's cheap to make. IIRC, 12mg a day for 5 days costs a total of $4 in India. That doesn't mean Merck has to sell it that cheaply, in the context of a pandemic where there are 7 billion people who need the drug. Do the usual thing: charge Americans a lot and charge less elsewhere. At $25/tablet, yielding at least $20 profit, times 330 million Americans -- $6.6 billion in profit. Sure, other companies will ramp up and compete on price -- but that will take time. Merck could cash in quickly.

So why not support some research?


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Aug 14 2020 22:30:41

if they were clever, and sadly they are in an evil way, they would just mix in a second chemical into the ivermectin pill, prove it's 1% better in some obscure study and then market the hell out of it as an "exclusive" that works "better" for ten times the price

once a drug hits generic I think it's a death sentence for big-pharma support though and ivermectin has been there a long long time

look at the brand name Stromectol

$100 even with discount, for 20 pills, that's a crime in print!

vs generic pricing


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Aug 14 2020 22:39:30

Merck's $5 per 3mg pill: that's not cheap when the usual (low IMO) dose is 12mg or 15mg depending on your weight. $20 or $25 per dose.

The generic $1.50 is better but still not as cheap as India; the $4 price = ($4 / (5 days * 4 tablets/day) = 20 cents US per tablet.

if they were clever, and sadly they are in an evil way, they would just mix in a second chemical into the ivermectin pill, prove it's 1% better in some obscure study and then market the hell out of it as an "exclusive" that works "better" for ten times the price

There are a number of ivermectin trials that are trying combinations, possibly for this reason. They don't need to show that it's better, just safe and effective. The FDA routinely approves drugs that are less effective than existing drugs, because there's no rule against it. Then the marketing team goes to work.


[-] nojox | 3 points | Aug 15 2020 14:17:37

Indian here. It's $1 for 2 x 12mg tablets. IOW, a single 12 mg tablet is $0.5

I think there would be a couple of even cheaper generic brands


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 15 2020 17:42:03

Thanks for the information!


[-] foggynotion | 1 points | Aug 14 2020 21:06:09

"KARD’s Mya Hudgins recently led the interview where Dr. Mickey further commented, “The other treatments, which are helpful, are not medications that actually kill the virus. This drug has been counted as being effective and eliminating the virus by killing it.”

Dr. Mickey noted, “We’ve seen a couple of them [patients] that had very bad appearance when we got them, that turned around fairly quickly. Now you can say that they would have done that anyway but I really think this medicine is helpful.”


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 16 2020 22:09:52

This is the TV news broadcast that TrialSiteNews drew its facts from.

She says the other treatments don't kill the virus, ivermectin does. (apparently true)

She says it could help people who have lingering effects effects from the virus after recovering.

It's not going to help people who are so advanced that they're on the ventilator. (probably false)

So far, she hasn't see major side-effects. A small dose followed by another dose a week later. The only information about the dose is that it's smaller than the FDA recommended dose -- which presumably is 200mcg/kg.


[-] foggynotion | 2 points | Aug 16 2020 23:43:13

So far after all my research, and I'm assuming like you TLA and many others here as well, I have yet to find one study using ivermectin that suggested any directly dangerous outcomes or side effects for treating covid patients with IVM. I am morbidly curious what kinds of horror stories and scare tactics the academics and media might try to use, but unlike HCQ, there is much stronger evidence for safe, effective, widescale use through decades of information. The vaccine researchers and "top virologist experts" are going to get on CNN and will try to turn ivermectin into just some hoax cure.. So when you even mention ivermectin in a comment.. a couple months (kind of already the case) it will be this nonstop: "Oh here we go again, head lice medication, yeah right..", "that veterinary dewormer people are -injecting- and xyz.. When the media tells the public that ivermectin is unproven and unsafe, I hope many top accredited scientists as well as doctors at the community level, that are immediately prepared to quickly respond authoritatively and fight a hyperwave of misinformation and politicized medicine. It will also help us filter out who is truly on the side of the people, or who is bullshitting us. The mass-distribution and widescale safety of ivermectin has been studied so many times over the years, any claims otherwise would be completely and provably false


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 17 2020 00:03:48

Good comment.

Sometimes (it's time-consuming) I monitor twitter for unfounded twitter attacks. A couple days ago it was "Ivermectin causes brain damage". I tweeted back "I would be very surprised to learn that has been shown. Link?" No link was forthcoming, of course.

In his most recent hit piece, Dr. Chaccour insinuated that 5000 people were harmed when Evangelicals forced animal ivermectin on them -- because animal ivermectin is dangerous. He only insinuated the danger, though, I supposed because he knows it's not actually dangerous.

There are lots of papers about ivermectin safety. You've probably seen me to assert that ivermectin is arguably the safest drug known: more than 4 billion doses given to billion(s) of people, less than 10 fatalities. Compare that to aspirin (3000 deaths per year) and penicillin (500 deaths per year in just the US).

I actually hope that ivermectin is visible enough someday, to attract the ire you're anticipating.


[-] foggynotion | 1 points | Aug 17 2020 00:12:04

Dr. Chaccour

Haha yeah I DMed him too after reading that article, and got the same kind of response. It will be this times 100 in the US. There are a few key media/academic figures I can't wait to see how they respond. Should tell us all we need to know at that point. Who's interested in helping us or making money and letting us die? Their position on ivermectin will answer that quite nicely.
