jpdowlin | 1 points | Aug 13 2020 21:32:02
[-] jpdowlin | 2 points | Aug 13 2020 21:33:08
It is a very unbalanced and disappointing article. Two professors both of whom "believe" ivermectin will not work on Covid-19. But we should do the studies just in case. Oh, and don't dare take it until the studies have completed. That is all.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Aug 13 2020 22:28:48
I'm going to repost this per the naming convention.
[-] jpdowlin | 2 points | Aug 13 2020 21:33:08
It is a very unbalanced and disappointing article. Two professors both of whom "believe" ivermectin will not work on Covid-19. But we should do the studies just in case. Oh, and don't dare take it until the studies have completed. That is all.