Take ivermectin weekly to avoid catching the virus!
Note that it is "signed" by about 50-60 MDs, indicating they endorse the regimen.
Does Gaertner bring any evidence that ivermectin protects against catching the virus? I really, really want to see some evidence to that effect.
Oh shit, Gaertner is @veryvirology on twitter. He blocked me after making some overreaching no-evidence claim about ivermectin and I challenged him for a source, probably in an obnoxious way.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 09 2020 01:29:23
I'm old, my hearing sucks, I can't understand either of the speakers. Would someone please write up a summary of the video?
This graphic is from Gaertner.
Take ivermectin weekly to avoid catching the virus!
Note that it is "signed" by about 50-60 MDs, indicating they endorse the regimen.
Does Gaertner bring any evidence that ivermectin protects against catching the virus? I really, really want to see some evidence to that effect.
Oh shit, Gaertner is @veryvirology on twitter. He blocked me after making some overreaching no-evidence claim about ivermectin and I challenged him for a source, probably in an obnoxious way.
Edit: Whoops, posted this in the wrong place!