jpdowlin | 5 points | Jul 27 2020 15:17:30

Brazil, July 22nd, Ivermectin in Brazil by the BBC (translated)


[-] foggynotion | 2 points | Jul 27 2020 16:17:23

They are never gonna let this get prescribed here in the US, the media is going to hear "New hydroxycloriquine" and go nuts over it. Or trump will mention ivermectin and then all the global studies get cancelled.


[-] jr2thdoc | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 16:43:00

Maybe he should say Ivermectin will never work for Covid19. See how fast they prove him wrong!


[-] vtron | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 17:20:56

You're kidding right? After Trump mentioned HCQ, there were tons of studies.


[-] lemallette | 3 points | Jul 28 2020 03:15:50

The were not "tons of HCQ studies." There were a lot of reports of the clinical experience with the drug, but to date no prospective randomized controlled study has show the drug to have any benefit, and only one or two from outside the US have been published.The two U.S. studies of HCQ that the NIH had funded were disbanded after 3-4 months because almost no one wanted to enroll in a placebo-controlled study. This is a well known phenomenon in the medical research community: as soon as a public figure touts a drug (without real evidence), it becomes impossible to conduct a proper controlled study. At first this sounds counter-intuitive, but believe me it is real. As a clinical researcher I've "been there, done that." "Just go ahead and give me the real drug, Doc. I don't want to fool with no placebo, since Mr. /Miss X says it's really effective."


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 23:46:01

Huh, never thought of that. The US trials couldn't get people to enroll because they were so enthused about HCQ that they refused the possibility of getting placebo. Thanks for that insight.


[-] foggynotion | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 18:23:13

For sure, they did a lot of studies, it definitely seems like a lot of them are setup to fail though when they administer it so late/ to critically ill people /no zinc, etc... And after Trump mentioned it and a few bad studies came out a lot of researchers stopped their HCQ trials. When any positive HCQ studies now come out everyone just tosses it out as a trump drug/conspiracy, even if some studies show it effective when given early. Im just afraid if ivermectin becomes politicized it will just be endless stories of BS. Mainly I hope people will be able to get Ivermectin for emergency off label use considering how safe it is, and I just feel like the whole HCQ fiasco is going to repeat itself here in the US


[-] Z3rul | 2 points | Jul 27 2020 22:10:54

where and when did HCQ worked ? i saw no country using it effectively while there countless reports of ivermectin saving lives. im genuinely asking


[-] foggynotion | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 23:05:22

For sure ivermectin is the way to go, I never had much faith in hcq from the data. It did seem like some reports maybe had some improvement but nothing compared to the success and safety with ivermectin. I keep checking to see new ivermectin studies or anecdotal reports and it seems slow just considering the urgency of our situation. Maybe it’s just a US thing? I’ve never heard it mentioned in US news, ever


[-] Z3rul | 3 points | Jul 28 2020 15:48:11

that's freaking crazy. this guys are fighting to get ivermectin a spotlight in the US


[-] foggynotion | 2 points | Jul 28 2020 21:13:58

Great interview everyone here should watch


[-] jpdowlin | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 18:49:45

I know it's a lot to ask, but could we not make everything in the world about Trump?
More seriously, this article highlights the challenges in getting wider adoption of Ivermectin - a skeptical media and political class and an unwillingness to accept observational clinical results even in the face of significant anecdotal evidence.


[-] IvermectinGuineaPig | -2 points | Jul 27 2020 19:24:04

I agree with foggy, and it is all about Trump. So many people have died when they could have taken the Stat dose of Ivermectin and recovered quickly. Only in countries with no elections will Ivermectin save lives. The Sheople will die in vain to make Bill Gates richer. COVID hits he quits Microsoft...yeah right he is lobbying 24/7 to bash cheap cures.


[-] Z3rul | 1 points | Jul 27 2020 22:08:26

go to a mental hospital seems like you need it.
