Medical_Swim | 47 points
Ivermectin, personal experienceI would like to share my personal experience with the use of Ivermectin here in Guatemala. I am not a doctor but an electronics engineer, a bit overweight 238lbs, with mild hypertension and asthma. Since the beginning of the outbreak in February and March I was looking for a way to evade the use of the local hospitals here, since our medical system is poorly build up. The first time I heard about the use of Ivermectin in humans was in Puerto Rico and Perú. Both of those countries had used ivermectin since the appearance of the findings in Australia. We prepared here in our home with everything imaginable, oxigen, oxigen generators, masks, alcohol, azitromicina, Dexametasona, Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, NAC, etc. We knew we could not rely in the local health care system. My first experience with Ivermectin was with a worker of ours who started with mild headaches, mild fever. When he lost the sense of smell and taste, we knew it was the virus, this was mid May. We applied Ivermectin with a protocol we found from a hospital in Perú. I might add, it was liquid Ivermectin for cattle. The dose is 1ml of 1% Ivermectin for each 100 pounds of weight. 2 doses, separated by a 24 hour period. I must say it was a success, within 48 hours the man was standing up again, and he was almost fine. It was an incredible event. Since then we put our complete faith in Ivermectin and the treatment with it. It is sometimes hard to source Ivermectin in pills here, so we almost always use it in liquid Form. By now I can happily say we must have treated more than 200 persons with the same protocol, some at earlier stages of the infection some at a later point. We found out that if you apply the Ivermectin at the beginning of the infection the outcome is very fast and very good. No other medicine is needed, two low doses only are necessary. My father last week, aged 80, was clinically diagnosed with Covid, we applied 1 dose of Ivermectin, and days after he was in a very healthy state. By the way, he would not want to take the second dose, he did not like it, he said. At that age they get a little bit stubborn. Now we are making voluntary Ivermectin campaigns for those people who want to stay healthy. We apply now Ivermectin in a profilactic way, one dose only. 2 months have passed and none of the ones who have taken the Ivermectin before getting sick have contracted the virus. We have formed local groups of information with other Ivermectin users. I must say, as of now for us here Ivermectin is effective and cheap. I hope this helps to stop the death of people who did not have to die out there.
[-] stereomatch | 6 points
If you take ivermectin with a fatty meal, it increases bioavailability by 2.5x
see below:
after high fat meal (not fast) - 2.5x increase in bioavailability vs fasted dosing
[-] foggynotion | 2 points
fascinating, thank you so much for sharing and I'm glad you are all feeling good! I was able to get the pill form here in the US and have taken a relatively strong dose with food (as a prophylactic) few weeks ago. I also have the same setup as you in terms of an oximeter and daily Vitamin C, Vitamin D, NAC, quercitin, zinc. I was able to get enough of the veterinary version to treat my family and anyone else who might need it just in the hopes it does prove to be an effective therapeutic. Thanks again and keep doing what your doing!
edit: I added 30mg zinc with the ivermectin dose, I spaced out the ivermectin from any other vitamins with a couple meals just so there arent any interactions and to let it do its thing
[-] Medical_Swim | 4 points
Thank you for your comments. We are currently reapplying ivermectin every 30 days, profilactic.
Have had good success here with my circle of friends and family with a similar approach. Unfortunately the cattle / horse version is the only thing available due to our shitty government, but none of us who have used it with biweekly or monthly doses have had anything more than a mild case. Does it work? I don't know... but it's worth any risk to me.
[-] foggynotion | 1 points
Cool, thats the plan here! Keep us updated for sure
Very interesting, it would be better to divide text into paragraphs. I take 20 mg dose every week.
[-] Medical_Swim | 3 points
Hi, I did, but somehow reddit did re-edit it 🤔
Amazing read. Especially the fact you set up well + 200 cases + prophylactic way!
[-] BillyBob_TX | 1 points
Thank you for your information and experience.
Thanks for your report. I have also been making my parents and obese sister take zinc, selenium, vitamin c. Stacked some melatonin and metformin and got an oximeter. I also know of NaC, quercetin, fenofibrate, budesodine, vit d, etc but can't afford to buy everything, so i got my hopes in that ivermectin will be enough. If the time comes, I'll write a report too.
[-] masticatetherapist | 1 points
Can you elaborate the Peruian protocol (of May?) - and how it has changed since?
[-] Medical_Swim | 3 points I am posting the protocol of July, hope you can open it.
Haha nice, thanks! I know this one. I think you should join the IVERMECTIN MD TEAM Facebook group and share your story here. There are many doctors here from South-America some of them were creating such charts/protocols.
These days they say you can't take ivermectin with warfarin (or in that case adjust the volume) or if you have meningitis or if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.
[-] Medical_Swim | 2 points
great story to hear, I believe it can help so many and wish the USA itself was not so stubborn to adopt
it's not a perfect comparison or maybe not even accurate but I've been forming a simple concept to try to explain to people that ivermectin works a bit like how they add coagulants to water in places where it's not pure enough, to sink contaminants to the bottom by making them clump and become too heavy instead of circulating
I believe while ivermectin slows down viral replication, that's not it's ultimate feature, I think it helps the body identify and attack the virus more clearly as it attaches to it, very much acting like a coagulant
[-] Medical_Swim | 4 points
Since I am engineer, not a doctor or someone standing in a lab, for me it is black or white, it works or it does not. I have tried Ivermectin, not only on me but on uncountable people (I have doses of liquid ivermectin standing in my house and they go flying off like crazy) and it works. Maybe someone else can explain the mechanism behind it. The best part of it is, that people who get a relief tell it to 10 other people and a quasi domino effect takes place. I hope at some point this virus stops (dead in its tracks). 😁
Hello, did you inject liquid form? I have only liquid form available here. It is a mix of ivermectin, vitamin e and injection solution so should be safe for humans.
[-] Medical_Swim | 2 points
No, I take it orally, never inject. I take 10mg for 100lbs of weight or 1ml (1%) for every 100 pounds.
[-] osgood32955 | 1 points
Hi medical_swim , new to reddit here, but what liquid form of ivermectin are you using? Paste? Or intervenous? I bought a vile of ivermectin (50ml) from Amazon for 27 dollars, and I am a bit afraid of it, but I took one ml last week and it wasn't too bad but I'm wondering if the extra non drug ingredients are bad. I believe the iv kind here in the USA, is 1mg per ml, so for me and my girl (185 lbs) I'm thinking the dose should be 16 almost 17 mg (which would be 17 ml of iv fluid taken orally) does this sound right? Thanks!
[-] Vickery007 | 1 points
Please join the Facebook group The Borody Plan and post this there.
[-] RiskyBiscuit-999 | 1 points
Medical_Swim, what is the best way to get the dose out of the bottle in a way you can save the remainder? Do you just use a syringe as if you were going to use for an injection? Thank you.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 7 points | Jul 25 2020 16:40:09
Thanks for the best post ever. Congratulations on your success. I admire you so much for helping 200+ other people. How great that you were prepared to save your father! This makes me so happy. The prophylactic use of ivermectin is exciting! Wonderful story!