TrumpLyftAlles | 8 points | Jul 25 2020 01:47:45

Henrik Wallin recommended supplements, including ivermectin


[-] invertedmaverick | 5 points | Jul 25 2020 02:41:37

Who is Henrik Wallin and what was the context behind this?


[-] m4dm4cs | 4 points | Jul 25 2020 04:37:46

Some Swede who walks his dog and talks about covid in the woods?


[-] mobimation | 1 points | Jul 25 2020 09:30:32

There are worse examples of choosing a place and time.
Although he's not an MD he has probably self-studied alternatives more than many established doctors.
And most important is not silenced by a fear to lose his license over promoting treatments beyond what Swedish doctors would be free to prescribe. Remember those dependent on a traditional career often cannot experiment with alternative treatments but are tied to the established officially supported drug for a purpose (even if none is recommended).
These established doctors do not want to be associated with a "mad scientist" smear but instead safeguarding public respect and authority is associated with "towing the line". Maybe not so much 'true freedom' in that, but essential for acceptance by the system they belong to.


[-] thaw4188 | 4 points | Jul 25 2020 15:36:53

yeah but 10,000iu of D and "silver" on the page

ivermectin should never be lumped into that nonsense

that is actually a huge disservice to the medication


[-] lemallette | 2 points | Jul 25 2020 23:44:55

10,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day is perfectly reasonable and safe. Should be taken daily for 2-4 weeks for those with insufficient levels. Thereafter, 5000 IU per day will suffice for most people, if taken daily and not intermittently.
Colloidal silver - forget it.


[-] thaw4188 | 1 points | Jul 26 2020 00:24:30

vitamin D can most definitely be toxic and megadoses are an asinine prevalence in the supplement world because "if some is good, more must be better! so clever!"

more is not better, more is just more and can cause negative effects, blocking absorption of other things, etc.

do not take 10,000 IU, there is no proof or reason to ever take that much daily unless you have tremendous body mass

also you can't fix long-term insufficiency by slamming megadoses, that's not how biology ever works, it's slow relatively speaking


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 25 2020 01:48:14

Ivermectin is popping up all over! :)
