TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 21 2020 17:20:07

Number of Brazilian Ministers Contracting Covid-19 Increases (Indonesia/Brazil 2020-07-21)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 21 2020 17:23:56

There must be two dozen articles about this. I picked this one to show how the story is getting around the world. The same story appear in a Burma publication: great alphabet. It's useful because of the universal (in all the stories) ivermectin mention:

Number of Brazilian Ministers Contracting Covid-19 Increases

As reported by CNN , Tuesday (7/21), the Minister of Citizenship of Brazil, Onyx Lorenzoni, and the Minister of Education of Brazil, Milton Ribeiro, tested positive for Covid-19 in an examination conducted on Monday.

See also: Positive Corona, Brazilian President Still Meet Supporters Lorenzoni found out he was infected with Covid-19 a few hours before Ribeiro. Through a tweet on social media Twitter, he said he had shown symptoms of infection since last Friday.

Currently Lorenzoni is undergoing isolation and regularly taking drugs given by a team of doctors. The drug consists of three types.

"I have been taking azithromycin, ivermectin and chloroquine since Friday and feel better," writes Lorenzoni.
