In the UNB article, the authors take the reader through the origin of ivermectin, the Monash University lab research breakthrough, and highlight Dr. Alam’s caution that for more complex cases, whether elderly patients or those with comorbidities, that hospitalization and other medicines are in order. Dr. Alam also reminds that none of the medicine should be taken arbitrarily and without a prescribing physician. Based on the TrialSite’s interview results, it is very clear that Dr. Alam wants more research done. Despite such a high success rate with hundreds of patients, there is still not enough known about SARS-CoV-2 or why certain treatments might work, at least in certain cases some of the time, until there is substantially more evidence. Ivermectin isn’t a cure, nor can it be declared a proven treatment at this point. But it can be declared that in hospitals and medical facilities around the world, from Bangladesh and India to Peru and Mexico and the Dominican Republic, that there is accumulating localized data pointing toward real promise. And in the middle of a pandemic where lives are at stake, prominent medical institutions in many of these nations have opted to use the drug off-label. Thus far, the reports coming out are overall positive."
I really hope these large applications in the real world get the NIH/CDC to wake up and endorse active ivermectin trials in US hospitals as remdesivir runs out and they stop playing with $5000 drugs instead of $5 drugs because it's not profitable
[-] foggynotion | 2 points | Jul 20 2020 17:31:55
In the UNB article, the authors take the reader through the origin of ivermectin, the Monash University lab research breakthrough, and highlight Dr. Alam’s caution that for more complex cases, whether elderly patients or those with comorbidities, that hospitalization and other medicines are in order. Dr. Alam also reminds that none of the medicine should be taken arbitrarily and without a prescribing physician. Based on the TrialSite’s interview results, it is very clear that Dr. Alam wants more research done. Despite such a high success rate with hundreds of patients, there is still not enough known about SARS-CoV-2 or why certain treatments might work, at least in certain cases some of the time, until there is substantially more evidence. Ivermectin isn’t a cure, nor can it be declared a proven treatment at this point. But it can be declared that in hospitals and medical facilities around the world, from Bangladesh and India to Peru and Mexico and the Dominican Republic, that there is accumulating localized data pointing toward real promise. And in the middle of a pandemic where lives are at stake, prominent medical institutions in many of these nations have opted to use the drug off-label. Thus far, the reports coming out are overall positive."