thaw4188 | 16 points
USA so shortsighted that NYTimes coronavirus drug and treatment tracker doesn't even mention ivermectin
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I routinely search the NYTimes and Washington Post for ivermectin. In the last 2-3 months, each has run the same 2 wire service stories that mention ivermectin -- in a disparaging way. Discouraging. The NYTimes article was taking down, haven't checked WashPo. It might be standard practice to remove wire service stories after a while, I don't know.
[-] ismellcapitalism | 2 points
I wrote to one of the authors who is the science writer, horrified that ivermectin was not even mentioned. Haven't heard back though that was just yesterday. PCP's should just prescribe it if you ask--you have to be assertive. You don't have to take freakin animal drugs!
[-] outline_link_bot | 1 points
Coronavirus Drug and Treatment Tracker
Decluttered version of this New York Times's article archived on July 16, 2020 can be viewed on
[-] lemallette | 1 points
Yep. Not a peep about ivermectin. It's almost enough to convert one to conspiracytheorysmanship.
It would be nice if they were being quiet about the drug so as not to interfere with enrollment in prospective studies, but there don't appear to be any such studies that are using the drug properly (at the onset of symptoms), and only one testing in after hospitalization. I submit that our medical establishment is screwed up (and I am a member).
[-] propargyl | 3 points | Jul 17 2020 01:53:10
Ivermectin clinical trials are taking place within the USA:
Novel Agents for Treatment of High-risk COVID-19 Positive Patients Lexington Kentucky
Trial to Promote Recovery From COVID-19 With Ivermectin or Endocrine Therapy Baltimore Maryland
[-] thaw4188 | 3 points | Jul 17 2020 02:24:49
oh there are more than even that, more well read doctors are aware and using it in their practices with success but no fanfare as that's not their responsibility to promote it
but it's six months too late, it should have been widely available in hospitals here by June
just one more massive failure that is going to cost tens of thousands of more lives and hundreds of thousands more to suffer
[-] rraak | 3 points | Jul 17 2020 04:20:27
And then people act all horrified about horse paste, while for most in the US it remains the only viable option to get ivermectin. Our health system completely sucks.
[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Jul 17 2020 12:17:18
there's barely any regulation and no monitoring on human pill manufacturer, FDA visits plants like once a year if ever, I don't even want to imagine what else is in that horse paste or if it even has the claimed quantity of drug
[-] rraak | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 12:32:32
It's a terrible option, but if the alternative is a severe case of covid, death, and/or related disability, I think many will choose the paste based on the high probability that the paste meets manufacturers content claims and will prevent or reduce serious covid. It wouldn't even be a thing if our healthcare system was equipped to adapt rapidly and prescribe the safer stuff... My concern is by the time all these trials show it's effective and safe (or not), hundreds of thousands more will be dead, many of whom may have been saved if the drug were available. Since it's got a well established safety profile already, I personally don't need absolute proof that it works for covid to be willing to take the wager if I get sick... But I am annoyed I can't get human quality medication in advance to keep on hand.
[-] thaw4188 | 3 points | Jul 17 2020 12:37:11
find an online doctor worth a darn who actually reads studies and follows news and get them to do a $30 script at walmart when sick
20 is in the box, depending on your weight it's either 4 pills at once per day for 5 days, or 5 pills at once per day for 4 days, you want 200mcg/kg of weight, I think the 600mcg studies are overkill except many for very sick long term people or in hospital setting
if I had taken it the first week I was sick instead of a month later, probably would have no damage right now
[-] rraak | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 14:32:57
If you have a recommendation for an online provider please PM me - the one's I've seen in searches look sketchy. My PCP is a good dude, but we don't have the kind of relationship where I can just come out and say I want a prescription IN CASE I get sick. Also not willing to spend $180 on an online consult to ask for it and risk just get denied. I've got the dosage worked out with the paste and have, in fact, tried it with no real ill effects, but getting an actual RX would always be preferable.
[-] thaw4188 | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 14:39:44
well yeah no doctor is going to let you stockpile meds, I am sure that's a legal violation of some kind
only cheap online consult I heard of back in March was Tangerine Health but I know absolutely nothing about them or how it works or if they will even prescribe
in a few months things may radically chance as half the country gets sick and then the flu arrives in November
oh yeah everyone knows about lemonaidhealth but now they are pushing covid testing so maybe with enough nags about covid they can be persuaded during pre/post covid test online consult
[-] rraak | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 16:34:04
Thanks - to be fair, I think the delay in care is one of the issues I have - I think you may need to take it very fast after symptoms start showing up for best effect.
All anecdote... but I've had a succession of very strange "minor" illnesses this year. I had a respiratory illness in February and early march after a trip to Norfolk, VA (it's been a hotspot at times) that was COVID-like (upper chest pressure, rapid breathing, elevated heart rate, severe fatigue, dry cough that made me see stars and made me think I was going to faint, among others) but not serious enough to warrant a doctor visit and resolved in a few weeks. I then had two other situations arise, one in early June and one in early July where I had COVID symptoms but tested negative on the Labcorp Pixel home tests. On those occasions I had fever, chills, and significant body aches, along with some unusual mental states (felt high and dreamy) - Took a measured 250 pound dose of paste, and then again two days later on each occasion. That's in addition to a daily regimen of fairly low dose NAC, quercetin, zinc, melatonin, vitamin C, vitamin D, aspirin, and black and green tea based antioxidents. I upped the doses of zinc and C on the days I felt sick. All I know for sure is that the symptoms mostly disappeared by day two on both occasions, and whatever it was did not progress but got better - the fever only lasted a day at most after the paste. Pulse oximeter always shows 96 to 98%. I believe getting the ivermectin as quickly as possible after symptoms show up may be key... assuming it helped, and assuming I didn't have some other random ailment that causes similar symptoms. While I do isolate as much as possible, I have to spend several hours each day in the company of a person who works with the general public and who has also had a series of undiagnosed respiratory issues and minor fevers this year.
My hunch is that you may have to take ivermectin either in advance of or very soon after showing symptoms. Or I may be completely off base and have been exposed to other viruses flu/cold with similar but very minor effects that diminish fast with my regimen. I am looking forward to reliable antibody testing, and the vaccine. It's been a "weird" year for my personal health.
[-] lemallette | 1 points | Jul 20 2020 04:14:51
5 or 6 pills ONCE. should suffice. Long half life on board.
[-] thaw4188 | 1 points | Jul 20 2020 10:23:57
ivermectin only has an 18 hour half life, but that's enough and why it's daily for 4-5 days and not an incidental 1-day dose like that paper you post (and so many others even though it's not peer reviewed)
the idea is that 200mcg/KG is enough, there are some studies trying 600mcg/KG as "better" but that caused me severe vision problems, bright lights and colors , and I would not recommended it outside a hospital environment where they can monitor you - the 600 did not improve outcome, I had to do another round at 200 which finally did the trick but I was already six weeks into the infection
[-] elkrange | 3 points | Jul 17 2020 13:57:12
Unfortunately, Hopkins deleted ivermectin from the above trial
[-] nojox | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 18:23:01
Mentioned as "optional" in EVMS protocol:
Edit: Remdesivir is also "optional", btw