TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | Jul 16 2020 19:19:35

Great job, /r/ivermectin posters! *Please* apply the naming convention, putting (Country of Origin, Date) after the official title from the article or study!

I have stepped back from my relentless trolling for ivermectin mentions on the internet because of other pressing business.

I am delighted with how you have stepped up, putting up excellent posts!

Great work!

I notice (wryly) that the sub's number of readers has bumped up significantly since I started posting less. ;)

Seriously, the country and date are really helpful when trying to find posts. The date also helps understand posts. Is this new? You don't have to say that in the title, the date indicates whether it's new. Posts are easier to find when all I remember is "Bangladesh about a month ago".

Please take the time to add the (country, date).


[-] Chengiss | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 03:28:53

I suspect that the method of action, if any, is the thing in play.
