movethroughit | 6 points | Jul 16 2020 01:59:38

New TrialSiteNews interview with Drs. Jean-Jaques and Juliana Rajter with latest on Ivermectin and ICON study.


[-] movethroughit | 3 points | Jul 16 2020 02:02:38

If you want to skip the doctor's background, slide it out to 7:00. Both of the doctors are still very excited about Ivermectin and seeing the study published, which should happen soon.


[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Jul 16 2020 07:44:03

For 6:00 minute mark link where discussion starts on his first use of ivermectin and response of patient:

Here is the NBC interview they mention above:

This is their Broward County hospital paper: ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19 ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19 Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter, Michael Sherman, Naaz Fatteh, Fabio Vogel, Jamie Sacks, Jean-Jacques Rajter doi:


[-] movethroughit | 3 points | Jul 16 2020 13:17:11

Way to fill in the gaps stereomatch, thanks!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 16 2020 19:08:49

Excellent post, thanks so much!


[-] jpdowlin | 3 points | Jul 16 2020 08:16:05

Some highlights:
The paper on the ICON study is close to being accepted by a major international journal (subject now only to statistical review, but passed all other acceptance stages).
JJ Rajter would like a multi-center RCT on Ivermectin in the USA now and he will help try and organize it.


[-] movethroughit | 2 points | Jul 16 2020 13:22:32

I was so glad to hear it had passed the other stages of review, I thought it was being stonewalled/sidelined. JJ&J seem to have the enthusiasm and power to keep the ball moving and to have them heading up a RCT is great news indeed. Thanks for the highlights, jpdowlin!


[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points | Jul 16 2020 13:25:02

Great interview, very impassioned


[-] fyodor32768 | 1 points | Jul 16 2020 19:36:30

It seems odd to say that Ivermectin is being ignored or suppressed when there are like thirty trials going on.


[-] Qoti | 1 points | Jul 17 2020 06:46:38

But it kinda is. Example, Mexico's subsecretary of health was pretty adamant that there was no evidence of Ivermectin effectiveness and to stop using it, and mexican newspapers have been parroting that its a "fake cure" never even making mention of the ICON study, at least to debunk it if they must. They act like if the little evidence we have doesn't even exist, it seems kinda sketchy.

And in the same sentences, they say " favipiravir/XYZ is being researched, well see if it works". It seems oddly biased how some treat Ivermectin as a fake and dangerous cure, in comparison to other drugs that are at similar stages of research.
