Murky-Lengthiness | 8 points
Video promoting Ivermectin use[-] IvermectinGuineaPig | 2 points
I took COVID
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points
Please share the video, you will save lives!
[-] Medical_Swim | 1 points
Can you give us a direct link to the video so we can share it here in Guatemala, our hospitals are overwhelmed now and there are so many people who do not believe in the Ivermectin solution
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points
I’ll try to find one
[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points | Jul 12 2020 12:30:21
Please for the love of god let the upcoming studies hold up
Please, we need relief from this never ending world affecting virus.
[-] panel_laboratory | 2 points | Jul 12 2020 14:06:05
It's happening. This and the Oxford vaccine should report next month and the outlook will look much better.
[-] strongerthrulife | 1 points | Jul 12 2020 14:06:35
Everything is always “coming soon” for months and months and months.
[-] panel_laboratory | 2 points | Jul 12 2020 14:10:36
Yeah - with human health people (rightly) don't want to take any risks so there are processes and policies to follow.
The last few weeks have seen some interviews with people involved with the Oxford vaccine. They will obviously have seen some results that they can't make public yet. They seem very confident.
[-] stiveooo | 1 points | Jul 15 2020 03:46:09
Ivermectin is included now in the treatment protocol in USA.
But same as ivermectin quercetin works in the same way and can be used together for better effect.