TrumpLyftAlles | 10 points
Iraq could show new path to Corona, study reveals "Wonder Drugs" (India, 2020-07-10 re Baghdad trial)[-] panel_laboratory | 2 points
Why isn't this in the news more? All the actual studies seem to have good results albeit from relatively small samples as far as I can see.
Is it going to be another hydroxychloroquine?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | Jul 11 2020 07:59:32
This has a couple quotes from the chief investigator that are new. It's notable, I guess, that the study got attention in India; AFAIK it hasn't in the US.
What Professor Garyal and his team noticed was that patients were released from the hospital after recovering quickly from the application of ivermectin. The recovery rate is high. Although his research has been published, it is not yet "Peer Reviewed".
Professor Garyal said a larger trial was needed to reach a decision. However, his team is optimistic that ivermectin may become one of the weapons in the prevention of corona.
Iraq is getting about 3000 new covid19 cases a day, but it's a big country. I wonder if the researchers can get enough subjects, if they want to do a bigger trial.