TrumpLyftAlles | 12 points | Jul 09 2020 20:53:18

Very good news in the treatment of covid-19: Cure and end of the pandemic in the near horizon (Brazil, 2020-05-30)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points | Jul 09 2020 21:09:17

This is an interview with Dr. Lisa Kerr. It overlaps with this article that posted to this sub 2020-05-30, which is where the date came from. The same "article" (whatever) was discussed in /r/coronavirus.

This is quite a bit longer than the other article, with a more details, esp. how ivermectin seemingly saved a physician friend who was on a ventilator and seemed doomed.

It boils down to a just a few more anecdotes about ivermectin's effectiveness. However, they are very convincing, IMO, esp. coming from a knowledgeable doctor on the front lines fighting covid19.

I would love to get an update!

Very good news in the treatment of covid-19: Cure and end of the pandemic in the near horizon

Update: disease ashes when introducing medication is important to avoid sequelae

I have a group of 570 doctors with whom we communicate, between two groups (Whatsapp and Telegram) and I mentioned there that I had managed to cure 13 patients with Ivermectin (currently 15) recovering everyone in a maximum of 48 hours, including one colored person, who usually has worse evolution and was also manifesting gastrointestinal symptoms, which worsens the evolution and often these patients die. The second serious case was that of a nurse, who had received a very high viral load when treating cases of patients with unprotected Covid-19 and was already having dyspnea. And the third patient was a very obese person, who usually have a worse evolution and had numerous symptoms, including dyspnea. These three cases were the most serious and I had to duplicate the treatment within 24 hours, but all the others,with the correct dose of medication, your symptoms regressed 100% within 48 hours.

The medication was ivermectin of course.

I passed my experience on to the group of doctors and they started using Ivermectin in their patients and the results were as fast and great as mine and now they are using it as a prophylactic medication once a week to continue working.

For prophylaxis, dose with ivermectin one a week.

Yesterday we had an even more serious case that I will report, which proves the effect of Ivermectin. On May 11th, I passed the treatment schedule and the Ivermectin evidence to a classmate. Just that day a colleague of ours who graduated from USP in Ribeirão Preto had some symptoms and his test was positive for Convid-19. My classmate passed my directions to him, who calculated the appropriate dose for his weight and ingested the three 6mg tablets he should take. But the wife insisted that he go to the hospital, where he had a chest CT scan and oxygen saturation measurement and found that he had a pulmonary condition already installed and had low saturation.

He was hospitalized and subsequently developed dyspnea [difficult or labored breathing], went to the ICU, where he was intubated. Oxygen saturation remained very low on the night of the 11th and in the morning of the 12th, the family was informed that his condition was very delicate, that is, that the chances of survival were very low. At the request of the wife and son-in-law I talked to all the doctors involved, explained about Ivermectin and found out that he had already taken the right dose of the medication on 11.05, thanks to the WhatsApp message that I passed on to my classmate, where he said the dosage medication, allowing him to ingest it before going to the hospital.

His responsible doctor was operating all day, leaving intensive care doctors to take care of our colleague and when visiting in the late afternoon he was surprised by an unexpected and surprising improvement in our medical patient, who was already with 100% oxygen saturation.

Apparently the doctor was snatched back from the jaws of death by the ivermectin he took before going to the hospital. Wow?!?!

I was thrilled, I confess !!!, we took this doctor practically from certain death with this miracle drug. Thank God!!!

Covid-19 is a hematological disease and as such it can affect all organs and systems. The virus attacks our hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen and releases iron into the circulation, which is largely responsible for the inflammatory storm. But at the beginning of this phase, the lung is still able to eliminate carbon dioxide, although hemoglobins are no longer able to carry oxygen to the cells. Oxygen saturation drops before dyspnea occurs. And when dyspnea sets in, respiratory collapse is already very serious, there is no time to treat and the vast majority of these patients die, but this did not happen in this case, due to the correct use of Ivermectin and other support measures conducted by the medical team.

In the Florida ICON study, 80.7% of the patients requiring 02 supplementation (and did't take ivermectin) died. An unspecified number of those were in better shape, requiring 02 supplementation but not ventilators.

Ivermectin was already known for its antiviral effect and was approved by the FDA and moreover it is a medication that has been extensively tested and is used in humans with very low side effects and its use can be direct, as we did, after we became aware of the admirable effects in Vitro by the Australian team that studied it and found that ivermectin is able to inhibit the growth of the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in cell culture, controlling the microorganism in 48 hours. The study was led by Monash University and done in partnership with the Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity, and was published in Elsevier's Antiviral Research magazine on April 3, 2020. Scientists noted that a single dose of the drug Ivermectin was able to fight SARS-CoV-2. Liquidating the evil at the root is what we would do using Ivermectin.

Monash actually shows that something like 60 times the usual 200mcg/kg was enough to kill 98% of the virus in 48 hours.

Fortunately, other medical teams are already using Ivermectin and we have heard of two important reports, one from Peru with around 700 patients and the other from the Dominican Republic with 500 patients.

IVERTODO: What Peru report?

The Dominican Report was posted to the sub.

I am very happy because now we have another basis for what we were doing and the results are so fantastic that there was no way for me not to reveal it if they get infected and need curative treatment.

If you, relatives or friends have covid-19 get in touch with me because I treat this drug 100% effective in stages 1 and 2 of the infection . Naturally, I need to talk to the person, know their symptoms and make the right calculation of the dosage per kilogram of body weight and severity. I cannot treat without respecting the CFM protocol. In the more advanced stages, Covid-19 may have already definitively damaged many important organs, such as heart, lung, liver, kidneys, brain, retina and intestine. Even if recovery occurs, it may leave sequelae that we do not yet know which will be and we do not even know whether definitive or not. It is a new disease and we learn it from day to day.

Stages 1 and 2 are the mildest stages.

It is important not to be confused: in the leaflet of Ivermectin for the treatment of lice, the recommended dose is only one 6mg tablet for adults and is not suitable for treating Covid-19, which needs the right dosage in circulation proportional to the patient's weight.

Just as an additional fact, Ivermectin is excreted in the feces and has no hepatotoxic [damaging or destructive to liver cells] or nephrotoxic effects, and can be ingested at home, unlike Chloroquine, which causes cardiac arrhythmia, is very hepatotoxic [toxic for kidneys] and needs hospital medical monitoring and has not revealed any anti-Covid effect. -19 in all studies released to date. It's time to put an end to this pandemic and put aside chloroquine, which has no effect on the virus and is hyper toxic.

References: INCLUSIÓN DE LA IVERMECTINA EN LA PRIMERA LÍNEA DE ACCIÓN THERAPEUTIC FOR COVID-19. A very significant decrease in Lethality Tasks is reported using Gustavo Aguirre Chang. Physician graduated from UNMSM, with Post Grades in Gestion and Occupational Health. Lima, Peru. May 2, 2020.


[-] unhurriedman | 4 points | Jul 09 2020 23:51:13

Dr. Lucy Kerr has been one of the main references here in Brazil for those who defend the use of Ivermectin. However, she receives several criticisms, of which I partially agree, for making forced associations of cause and effect. For example, she explains the low rate of deaths on the African continent because of anti-parasite campaigns with Ivermectin. It is an association that would need much more studies to be confirmed. And it can have many other causes that we don't know yet.

However, it is very interesting to see her passion defending the use of Ivermectin. I have noticed that the report of many doctors is very encouraging, due to their emphasis and astonishment at the clinical improvement of many patients. However, science needs more than that, it needs strong evidence.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 09 2020 23:59:18

Thanks for letting me know. We all want the science!

I'm retired, wrote software for a living. I had a long career of people being disbelieving about how long it takes to write code.

That said, it's a mystery to me. A trial that start in mid-May with 12 experimental subjects and 12 controls is expected to publish in August. The full course of this disease is a month at the most (leaving out lingering sequela). *So why does it take so frigging long? Seems like 6-8 weeks should be sufficient, if they have a ready supply of test subjects and controls.

Even as I write that, though, I know I'm a naive idiotl.


[-] unhurriedman | 2 points | Jul 10 2020 02:20:38

I believe it is due to academic bureaucracies.

Here in Brazil I know of studies that took two months to be approved by the ethics committee, only to start recruiting people afterwards.

In order to collect research data, there are a series of methodological requirements that need to be taken care of. Then there is the preparation of the article that must respect several guidelines of scientific journals.

It is normally a very long process, but I hoped that in this context they could make a great effort to advance their studies more quickly.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 10 2020 02:48:12

I know of studies that took two months to be approved by the ethics committee, only to start recruiting people afterwards.

I guess I can imagine that. The committee isn't in a particular hurry. They take their job seriously, send the proposal back three times.

Then there is the preparation of the article that must respect several guidelines of scientific journals.

I'm sure I vastly underestimate the difficult of that. I saw an article today that may have had 15 authors. How do they divvy up the work? Are they passing manuscripts around?

Thanks for educating me about this.


[-] nilaul | 2 points | Jul 10 2020 14:46:12

What is the correct dossage?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 15:00:01

The usual dose is 200mcg/kg. Why are you asking? I'm not a doctor and I can't give out medical advice.


[-] nilaul | 2 points | Jul 10 2020 15:01:08

I'm just asking just in case, for my family members and such.


[-] DiagonalArg | 2 points | Jul 15 2020 06:48:22

"hyper toxic"? "no effect"?

I certainly hope she's found the cure, but I just don't think this person is responding in a sober manner.


[-] movethroughit | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 05:16:20

Outstanding, TLA! Thanks for bringing this to us.


[-] movethroughit | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 05:40:13

Picked out another one:

"Just as an additional fact, Ivermectin is excreted in the feces and has no hepatotoxic [damaging or destructive to liver cells] or nephrotoxic effects, and can be ingested at home, unlike Chloroquine, which causes cardiac arrhythmia, is very hepatotoxic [toxic for kidneys] "

" very hepatotoxic [toxic for kidneys] " should be "is very hepatotoxic [toxic for the liver] "


[-] DZinni | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 21:52:00

I suspect this is only true due to the large ratio of deadly to theurpeutic dose. The ED50 is estimated 250x larger than the theurpeutic dose.


[-] movethroughit | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 22:13:17

I was only pointing out a typo. Hepatotoxic means toxic for the liver, not the kidneys.

If you're referring to the ED50 from the Monash study, they said the in vitro dose wasn't meant to guide in vivo dosing:


[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 10 2020 22:22:36

No, I mean it may be toxic to the liver/kidneys as you go up higher in dosages. The theurpeutic dosage is extremely small compared to deadly dosages.

And I didn't realize you were correcting an error, so my post was kinda pointless.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 22:14:47

The theurpeutic dosage is extremely small compared to deadly dosages.

What is a deadly dose of ivermectin? I've never heard of anyone dying from an overdose or huge dose. AFAIK, no one knows how much ivermectin is deadly. The dose safety studies haven't looked at more than 10 x the usual 200mcg/kg.


[-] DZinni | 2 points | Aug 12 2020 02:23:11

The LD50 dosage isn't well established for humans. For rats, it's 10mg/kg (10,000 mcg/kg). If we assume it's the same for humans, an average 200lb male would need to consume 8 full tubes of horse dewormer to have a 50% chance of dying...

10mg/kg is a conservative estimate. I've also seen it estimated at 50mg/kg... So maybe 40 tubes of horse dewormer to have a 50% chance of death.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 02:40:50

So maybe 40 tubes of horse dewormer

Damn, I'm depressed and I only have 23 tubes.

If we assume it's the same for humans, an average 200lb male would need to consume 8 full tubes

~~Would you explain that calculation please? Or maybe express the result in mg instead of tubes?~~ Never mind, I was being dumb and lazy, not paying attention.

The LD50 dosage isn't well established for humans.

I commented on this today, or related at least: we don't know what the lethal dose for humans is because no human has ever died from an overdose. (Ivermectin is ridiculously safe.)

I'm not sure it would be possible, with the horse paste tubes. They require a little cognition to operate. I think the brain might go wacky and the person would lose the capacity to eat more tubes, before we hit the fatal amount.

Interesting experiment but, you know, not enough tubes.


[-] DZinni | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 03:54:26

Would you explain that calculation please? Or maybe express the result in mg instead of tubes?

200lbs * 0.4535924 kg/lbs * 10mg/kg = 907mg

But that isn't how I calculated it. I already know that a horse dewormer is at 200mcg/kg (same as therapeutic dose for humans). The lethal dose is 50x that. 200lbs * 50 = 10,000 lb animal dose. Each tube treats up to 1250 lbs. 10,000/1250 = 8 full tubes. The math was much easier this way.

I'm not sure it would be possible, with the horse paste tubes. They require a little cognition to operate. I think the brain might go wacky and the person would lose the capacity to eat more tubes, before we hit the fatal amount.

It's an apple flavored paste with the consistency of jelly. How about some peanut butter and Ivermectin sandwiches?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 04:22:23

It's an apple flavored paste with the consistency of jelly.

Are you actually consuming the horse paste?


[-] DZinni | 2 points | Aug 12 2020 18:11:50

I was joking about a PB&I.

Tried horse paste Ivermectin once (directly onto spoon). 0/10 would not try again.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 21:13:44

I've been dosing with it twice a week for about 6 weeks. Weird side-effect: chronic itching that has bugged me my whole adult life has largely subsided and my mites-induced red eyelids aren't red for the first time in decades. Turns out ivermectin kills parasites!
