TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | Jul 09 2020 16:29:42

Covid-19 patients in Valle del Cauca will also be treated with Ivermectin (Valle del Cauca, Columbia 2020-07-09)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 09 2020 16:38:51

This is really similar to this article about Cali, Columbia: also 10,000 doses.

Covid-19 patients in Valle del Cauca will be treated with Ivermectin, they reported this Thursday from the Departmental Government, after the announcement of the Cali Mayor's Office that the application of ten thousand doses will begin this Friday in non-severe cases of the disease.

The determination was made during a meeting with the Committee of Health Experts, Copesa, which was created to address the health emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic in the region and develop containment strategies.

Governor Clara Luz Roldán explained that the experimental treatment will begin "in the eight municipalities that have the highest growth in the rate of infections."

The Valle Valle leader indicated that with its implementation they hope to "reduce the imminent crisis of Public Health calamity in the region" due to the high percentage of occupation of Intensive Care units.

Former Governor Dilian Francisca Toro leads the committee and explained that "the infectologists agreed and recommended treatment with early-stage Ivermectin for covid-positive patients."

He explained that it has been shown that in many cases "it inhibits the entry of the virus into the cell and reduces mortality. This has been happening in other South American countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and Florida, in the United States."

Florida = the ICON study!

Therefore, in Valle del Cauca, Ivermectin will be treated "positive patients who are at home with mild symptoms or who do not have symptoms and the contacts of these people, especially people over 60 years of age".


Valle del Cauca has 4.5 million people. Interesting that the 10,000 doses are not being reserved for more seriously-ill patients. The myth "ivermectin is useful for mild cases" is directly refuted by ICON, that shows 52% reduction in fatalities among patients who were sick enough to need 02 supplementation.

#Minsalud recommends its use

On May 25, the Ministry of Health determined to suspend the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and lopinavir (ritonavir) in cases of covid-19, on the recommendation of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases, Acin, and the Institute of Technological Evaluation in Health, Iets.

I guess this Ministry is determining policy for Cali, too.

At that time, a study was published that suggested that none of the medications represented benefit for treated patients and that it could in fact increase the risk of death in some cases.

Surgisphere Lancet study?

Scientists instead proposed the use of Remdesivir or Ivermectin.

#What is it?

The substance is commonly used to treat parasite infections. In the case of managing head or pubic lice, it is administered locally, applying directly to the scalp. In the case of scabies and for other conditions caused by parasites such as onchocerciasis, Ivermectin is administered orally.

It is also an antiparasitic medicine that is used to treat diseases such as strongylodiasis, an infection caused by a parasite that lodges in the intestine. Similarly, it is used to control onchocerciasis.
