TrumpLyftAlles | 9 points | Jul 08 2020 17:52:42

Doctor Ugarte for ivermectin: "We have found that in 94% of patients the PCR has turned negative" (Chile, 2020-07-02)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 08 2020 17:59:10

#Dr. Sebastián Ugarte, head of the critically ill unit of the Indisa Clinic, referred in 24 Hours Central to the advances that different international studies have had with the drug ivermectin that have yielded positive results, although he clarifies that these studies together with those that he has are in development, and that only 82 interim tests have been carried out, so "we still cannot say anything because we have a greater number of patients to collect."

Dr. Sebastián Ugarte , head of the Critical Patients Unit of the Indisa Clinic, referred to the progress made by different international studies that have yielded positive results with the drug i vermectin, against COVID-19

In this sense, the specialist focused on the most recent report by Xian University, calling it " very interesting" since patients who had very few symptoms or were rightly asymptomatic were taken.

Subsequently, these patients were divided into two groups, one to which the traditional treatment of Bangladesh was applied, which is the use of hydroxychloroquine, while ivermectin was applied to the second.

The results of this work are more than encouraging since the group to which ivermectin was applied, none required hospitalization and achieved a clinical recovery from the disease in an average of 5.6 days.

In contrast, the group that was treated with the traditional treatment showed a slower recovery and a part of the patients had to be hospitalized.

"Pieces are being assembled that are not randomized, therefore it cannot be said that it has demonstrated effectiveness, but at least they tend to support the hypothesis that it has to be randomized, " explained Ugarte.

In this sense, the specialist is leading an investigation in our country with the same drug, in which he explained that what they are "doing is a little later."

According to what is detailed by the specialist, "what we have seen is that and we observe to this day in interim analyzes we are in 82 patients who have been analyzing interim and at 48 hours we check with a PCR to see what results, and what what we have discovered is that in 94% the PCR has turned negative ".

The specialist also called for caution, since "we still cannot say anything because we have a greater number of patients to collect."

"Without a doubt, the study from Xian University suggests that it would be pertinent to carry out a study in primary care and deliver treatment before hospitalization and see if it really improves and hospitalizations decrease, and ultimately deaths from the disease." , concluded the doctor.

I guess this is the Xian University study -- aka the Bangladesh trial.
