strongerthrulife | 3 points | Jul 07 2020 11:51:18

Where are the results?

Do we have a compiled list of completed studies yet? I’ve heard of many many studies, there should be preliminary data by now?


[-] lemallette | 4 points | Jul 07 2020 20:39:18

The definitive studies, if they can be completed, will not be available for a while. Several hundred patients must be enrolled to receive in double masked, randomized order either ivermectin or placebo, and followed until some definitive outcome. This will take a fair amount of time.
Note that there have been many YouTube videos praising this unproven drug and several laudatory manuscripts (described incorrectly as "studies" but simply describing the "clinical experience" with the vermicide in consecutive patients).
With this much publicity for the unproven drug it is likely that it will be impossible to get enough enrollment in the prospective randomized studies to allow these studies to continue to completion.
This is precisely what happened to the four trials of HCQ funded by our NIH.
We may never have the real answer for either drug.


[-] ungr8ful_biscuit | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 23:30:13

Ooc, why does praise for an unproven drug lead to low enrollment? I’d think the opposite would happen.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 08:52:35



[-] lemallette | 1 points | Jul 20 2020 13:46:49

With all due respect, you haven't thought it through.
My statement is true.
See my explanation above.
PS I am a clinical researcher and HAVE conducted drug trials. I've been there, done that.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 20 2020 16:52:54

Ok, I believe you. I hope Ivermectin Can get enough people for the trials. The trials in the US, Europe and Asia will struggle to get participants from what you argue, but I can assure you that in central and South America they will not.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 26 2020 04:00:26

By the way I love how you argue!


[-] lemallette | 1 points | Jul 20 2020 13:42:33

This is a well recognized fact among clinical researchers. It is why Fauci was wincing while Trump was spouting off about hydroxychloroquine. - Fauci saw the studies going down the drain. Which they in fact did. Both NIH-funded studies were finally abandoned because of low enrollment (less than 10% after 2-3 months) - and not because of a lack of patients or of physician effort.
The president says on national TV that hydroxychloroquine is great. It is unproven, in fact untested. Since the president thinks its great, and your doctor CAN prescribe it if they wish, are you going to enter a study where you have a 50% or 33% chance of getting a placebo instead?
The answer is no. Proven many times over. The same will apply to ivermectin trials, unless human nature changes overnight. The president hasn't praised it (yet), but plenty of TV persons and docs acting like TV persons have done so.


[-] ungr8ful_biscuit | 1 points | Jul 21 2020 00:56:20

Thank you for taking the time to explain. That makes sense.


[-] DZinni | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 00:07:11

Yeah, some of the longer studies should have the results posted November 2021.


[-] fieldsofcoral | 3 points | Jul 07 2020 12:36:16

The University of Baghdad trial has been resubmitted to check the results, hopefully that comes soon.


[-] Gorangers0525 | 3 points | Jul 07 2020 18:25:50

Results were returned again yesterday...ugh.


[-] fieldsofcoral | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 21:31:58

Maybe it means they're good now, so they can release them? 🤷‍♂️


[-] Gorangers0525 | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 15:01:32

It was returned again due to quality control review, which means there were more errors that need to be corrected.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 2 points | Jul 08 2020 08:54:32

Nuevo León, a Mexican state, is about to release the most astounding results so far. Mark my words: it will be the first place to defeat the pandemic trough its massive use snd the rest of Mexico will follow, then the world.


[-] strongerthrulife | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 09:52:47

Time frame?


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 10:18:03

Results are ready but they are securing enough Ivermectin for the whole state and MAYBE for the whole country before publishing. We expect them to be published any day now.


[-] strongerthrulife | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 10:25:58

That’s.... interesting

It’s cheap and easy to manufacture, they should be broadcasting good results, manufacture will increase


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 14:15:46

It is but currently there is not nearly enough and soon it will be depleted.


[-] strongerthrulife | 1 points | Jul 29 2020 19:19:10

So you’re prediction? Definitely wasn’t “soon”


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 30 2020 08:59:29

Agreed! This is terrible


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 10:22:07

Dr. Covid has treated over 3690 people successfully so far. He is the pioneer in the use of ivermectin BEFORE the Monash study.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jul 10 2020 10:24:52

Prepare for the pharma backlash, there are already 2 studies with megadoses to discredit it.
